movestore / rds2csv

transforms rds-output (from any APP) into a csv file (with only non-NA columns) that is downloadable as artefact. The App returns the input data rds.
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Write CSV


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Movement data (in R-format rds) is transformed into a table in csv format provided as an artefact for download. Two files are returned, one containing all data, and one containing only the information associated to the tracks. The original data set is also passed on as output for use by a subsequent App.


The input Movement dataset (an object of class move2 in R's rds format) is transformed into a table with a row for each event and columns indicating the track IDs, timestamps, location coordinates and other properties of each event record. For better readability, columns that only contain NA/empty values are removed. Additionally a table containing only the attributes associated to the tracks (e.g. name, tag, sex, study) is also provided.

The column containing the timestamps is formatted to include three decimals in the seconds, so that the format will be fit for submission to annotation with EnvDATA in Movebank.

Input data


Output data



data.csv: the complete data set as a csv table (excluding columns that only contain NAs). The first 4 columns contain the information of the track IDs, timestamps, and coodinates X and Y used for any previous analysis.

trackInfo.csv: the information associated to the tracks. This table contains one entry per track. The first column contains the information of the track ID used for any previous analysis.


Timezone in UTC (timezoneUTC): Check the box to ensure the timestamps are in UTC. If unchecked, the timestamps will be in the timezone of the data (which will be displayed in the logs of the app once it has run).

Coordenate system of the data in Lon/Lat (EPSG:4326) (crsLonLat): Check the box to ensure the data are in the geographic coordinate system (lon/lat) 'EPSG:4326'. If unchecked, the coordinates will be retained in the current projection (which will be displayed in the logs of the app once it has run).

Null or error handling

Data: The full input data set is returned for further use in a next App and cannot be empty.