movetokube / postgres-operator

Postgres operator for Kubernetes
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External PostgreSQL server operator for Kubernetes


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Cloud specific configuration


In order for this operator to work correctly with AWS RDS, you need to set POSTGRES_CLOUD_PROVIDER to AWS either in the ext-postgres-operator kubernetes secret or directly in the deployment manifest (operator.yaml).

Azure Database for PostgreSQL (both Single Server and Flexible Server)

In order for this operator to work correctly with Azure managed PostgreSQL database, two env variables needs to be provided for the operator:


In order for this operator to work correctly with GCP, you need to set POSTGRES_CLOUD_PROVIDER to GCP

To have operator work with GCP properly you have to:

DropRole method will check for db owner and will skip master role dropping

General Configuration

These environment variables are embedded in deploy/operator.yaml, env section.

POSTGRES_INSTANCE is only available since version 1.2.0

While using KEEP_SECRET_NAME could be a convenient way to define secrets with predictable and explicit names, the default logic reduces risk of operator from entering the endless reconcile loop as secret is very unlikely to exist.

The administrator should ensure that the SecretName does not collide with other secrets in the same namespace. If the secret already exists, the operator will never stop reconciling the CR until either offending secret is deleted or CR is deleted or updated with another SecretName


This operator requires a Kubernetes Secret to be created in the same namespace as operator itself. Secret should contain these keys: POSTGRES_HOST, POSTGRES_USER, POSTGRES_PASS, POSTGRES_URI_ARGS, POSTGRES_CLOUD_PROVIDER, POSTGRES_DEFAULT_DATABASE. Example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: ext-postgres-operator
  namespace: operators
type: Opaque

To install the operator using kustomize, follow the steps below.

  1. Configure Postgres credentials for the operator in deploy/secret.yaml
  2. Create namespace if needed with\ kubectl apply -f deploy/namespace.yaml
  3. Apply the secret with\ kubectl apply -f deploy/secret.yaml
  4. Create the operator with either\ kubectl kustomize deploy/ | apply -f -\ or by using kustomize directly\ kustomize build deploy/ | apply -f -

Alternatively you can install operator using Helm Chart located in the charts/ext-postgres-operator subdirectory. Sample installation commands provided below:

helm repo add ext-postgres-operator
helm install -n operators ext-postgres-operator  ext-postgres-operator/ext-postgres-operator

See values.yaml for the possible values to define.



kind: Postgres
  name: my-db
  namespace: app
    # use this to target which instance of operator should process this CR. See General config POSTGRES_INSTANCE
  database: test-db # Name of database created in PostgreSQL
  dropOnDelete: false # Set to true if you want the operator to drop the database and role when this CR is deleted (optional)
  masterRole: test-db-group (optional)
  schemas: # List of schemas the operator should create in database (optional)
  - stores
  - customers
  extensions: # List of extensions that should be created in the database (optional)
  - fuzzystrmatch
  - pgcrypto

This creates a database called test-db and a role test-db-group that is set as the owner of the database. Reader and writer roles are also created. These roles have read and write permissions to all tables in the schemas created by the operator, if any.


kind: PostgresUser
  name: my-db-user
  namespace: app
    # use this to target which instance of operator should process this CR. See general config POSTGRES_INSTANCE
  role: username
  database: my-db       # This references the Postgres CR
  secretName: my-secret
  privileges: OWNER     # Can be OWNER/READ/WRITE
  annotations:          # Annotations to be propagated to the secrets metadata section (optional)
    foo: "bar"
  secretTemplate:       # Output secrets can be customized using standard Go templates
    PQ_URL: "host={{.Host}} user={{.Role}} password={{.Password}} dbname={{.Database}}"

This creates a user role username-<hash> and grants role test-db-group, test-db-writer or test-db-reader depending on privileges property. Its credentials are put in secret my-secret-my-db-user (unless KEEP_SECRET_NAME is enabled).

PostgresUser needs to reference a Postgres in the same namespace.

Two Postgres referencing the same database can exist in more than one namespace. The last CR referencing a database will drop the group role and transfer database ownership to the role used by the operator. Every PostgresUser has a generated Kubernetes secret attached to it, which contains the following data (i.e.):

Key Comment
DATABASE_NAME Name of the database, same as in Postgres CR, copied for convenience
HOST PostgreSQL server host
PASSWORD Autogenerated password for user
ROLE Autogenerated role with login enabled (user)
LOGIN Same as ROLE. In case POSTGRES_CLOUD_PROVIDER is set to "Azure", LOGIN it will be set to {role}@{serverName}, serverName is extracted from POSTGRES_USER from operator's config.
POSTGRES_URL Connection string for Posgres, could be used for Go applications
POSTGRES_JDBC_URL JDBC compatible Postgres URI, formatter as jdbc:postgresql://{POSTGRES_HOST}/{DATABASE_NAME}

Multiple operator support

Since version 1.2 it is possible to use many instances of postgres-operator to control different databases based on annotations in CRs. Follow the steps below to enable multi-operator support.


Annotations Use Case

With the help of annotations it is possible to create annotation-based copies of secrets in other namespaces.

For more information and an example, see kubernetes-replicator#pull-based-replication

Template Use Case

Users can specify the structure and content of secrets based on their unique requirements using standard Go templates. This flexibility allows for a more tailored approach to meeting the specific needs of different applications.

Available context:

Variable Meaning
.Host Database host
.Role Generated user/role name
.Database Referenced database name
.Password Generated role password


You can contribute to this project by opening a PR to merge to master, or one of the vX.X.X branches.


master branch contains the latest source code with all the features. vX.X.X contains code for the specific major versions. i.e. v0.4.x contains the latest code for 0.4 version of the operator. See compatibility matrix below.


Please write tests and fix any broken tests before you open a PR. Tests should cover at least 80% of your code.


Postgres operator uses Operator SDK, which uses kubernetes client. Kubernetes client compatibility with Kubernetes cluster can be found here

Postgres operator compatibility with Operator SDK version is in the table below

Operator SDK version
postgres-operator 0.4.x v0.17 v1beta1
postgres-operator 1.x.x v0.18 v1
HEAD v0.18 v1