mozilla-services / canonicaljson-rs

Rust implementation of a Canonical JSON serializer
MIT License
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Canonical JSON library

Canonical JSON is a variant of JSON in which each value has a single, unambiguous serialized form. This provides meaningful and repeatable hashes of encoded data.

Canonical JSON can be parsed by regular JSON parsers. The most notable differences compared to usual JSON format (RFC 7159 or serde_json::to_string()) are:

This library follows gibson's Canonical JSON spec.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

canonical_json = "0.5.0"


   use serde_json::json;
   use canonical_json::ser::to_string;

   fn main() {
     to_string(&json!(null)); // returns "null"

     to_string(&json!("we ❤ Rust")); // returns "we \u2764 Rust""

     to_string(&json!(10.0_f64.powf(21.0))); // returns "1e+21"

         "a": "a",
         "id": "1",
         "b": "b"
     })); // returns "{"a":"a","b":"b","id":"1"}"; (orders object keys)

     to_string(&json!(vec!["one", "two", "three"])); // returns "["one","two","three"]"

Test suite

Run the projet test suite:

$ cargo test

Run @gibson042's Canonical JSON test suite:

$ git clone
$ cd canonicaljson-spec/
$ ./ ../canonicaljson-rs/demo/target/debug/demo

Some known errors:

See also


Licensed under MIT