mozilla / aestimia

[Archived] Assessment tool
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Build Status

This project is no longer actively maintained, and has been archived

Aestimia allows a mentor community to assess work based on submitted evidence and a rubric.


You'll need node 0.8, as well as MongoDB.

PhantomJS 1.8 or later is required to run the test suite. MongoDB is expected to be available on localhost at the default port while the test suite is running, too; the test database will be used.

Quick Start

git clone git://
cd aestimia
npm install
npm test
DEBUG= API_SECRET=api COOKIE_SECRET=cookie node bin/aestimia.js

By default, the aestimia database on the local mongo instance is used.

Once the server has started, you'll probably want to visit http://localhost:3000/demo and enter api (or whatever your API_SECRET is set to) in the API Secret field.

Then, add yourself as a mentor from the Update a mentor section, and create a submission in the Create a submission section. Log in as yourself via Persona, go back to the site root, and you should see the submission there waiting for you to review.

Environment Variables


Submissions and mentor management are accessible over an API. If you have an instance of Aestimia running, interactive API documentation is available at /demo. Otherwise, you can still read the static documentation.


Aestimia looks like generic Bootstrap out of the box, but it can be themed. See theme/csol for an example.

To enable a theme, set the THEME_DIR environment variable to the root directory of the theme; see above for more details.

Acceptance Tests

Acceptance tests are automatically run with npm test. Their behavior can be changed by the following environment variables:

Test Coverage

Build/install jscoverage, run make test-cov, then open coverage.html in a browser.

Coverage should always be at 100%. Pull requests that break this will be rejected.