mozilla / remote-settings

Delivering data to Firefox
Apache License 2.0
12 stars 13 forks source link

Remote Settings

Remote Settings is a Mozilla service that makes it easy to manage evergreen settings data in Firefox. A simple API is available in Firefox for accessing the synchronized data.

.. image::


This Remote Settings repository contains the following files and directories of note:


You will need:


.. code-block:: shell

make start

Your Remote Settings instance is now ready at http://localhost:8888. See the *Setup a Local Server* <>_ tutorial for more details.

Test Locally

Kinto Remote Settings Unit Tests

To run unit tests, you need Postgres installed and a database testdb available. This can be created with:

.. code-block:: shell

make build-db

After this setup is complete, tests can be run with pytest using make:

.. code-block:: shell

make test

Browser Tests

With Docker and docker-compose, test that all components are working as expected with:

.. code-block:: shell

make build
make browser-test

.. note::

The ``docker-compose run web migrate`` command is only needed once, to prime the
PostgreSQL server (this is done automatically for you in the make command).
You can flush all the Kinto data in your local persistent PostgreSQL with
``curl -XPOST http://localhost:8888/v1/__flush__``

That will start memcached, postgresql, autograph and Kinto (at web:8888) and lastly the tests container that primarily uses pytest to test various things against http://web:8888/v1.

When you're done running the above command, the individual servers will still be running and occupying those ports on your local network. When you're finished, run:

.. code-block:: shell

make stop

Test Remote Server

Browser tests can be executed on a remote server or against the docker-compose containers.

To run the test suite, first build the tests container

.. code-block:: shell

docker-compose build tests

or download a pre-built container from Dockerhub <>_.

Next run the tests, supplying config values as necessary. Config values are set as environment variables provided to the Docker container. See tests/ for descriptions of all of the config options that are available.

Note that the tests assume that the server has the attachments, changes, history, and signer plugins enabled. It may optionally have the email plugin installed.

The credentials passed in SETUP_AUTH should have the permission to create users, buckets, and collections. These credentials will be in the form SETUP_AUTH=username:password or SETUP_AUTH="Bearer some_token"

Running browser tests on the Remote Settings DEV server should look something like:

.. code-block:: shell

docker run --rm \
    --env SERVER= \
    --env MAIL_DIR="" `#disables test cases related to emails` \
    --env EDITOR_AUTH=<username:password, credentials available in 1Password> \
    --env REVIEWER_AUTH=<username:password, available in 1Password> \
remotesettings/tests browser-test

Because the tests are capable of running against environments with existing data, there are limitations to what they can do. Examples:

Debugging Locally (simple)

The simplest form of debugging is to run a suite of tests against the Kinto server:

.. code-block:: shell

make browser-test

Debugging Locally (advanced)

Suppose you want to play with running the Kinto server, then go into a bash session like this:

.. code-block:: shell

docker-compose run --service-ports --user 0 web bash

Now you're root so you can do things like apt-get update && apt-get install jed to install tools and editors. Also, because of the --service-ports if you do start a Kinto server on :8888 it will be exposed from the host.

For example, instead of starting Kinto with uwsgi you can start it manually with kinto start:

.. code-block:: shell

kinto start --ini config/local.ini

Another thing you might want to debug is the tests container that tests against the Kinto server.

.. code-block:: shell

docker-compose run --rm tests bash

Now, from that bash session you can reach the other services like:

.. code-block:: shell

http http://autograph:8000/__heartbeat__
http http://web:8888/v1/__heartbeat__

Upgrade Things

Dependabot is enabled on this repository, so it should keep dependencies up to date.

To manually edit dependency versions, use standard poetry commands <>_. Because our usecase is somewhat complex with multiple groups and some dependencies appearing in multiple groups, sometimes the easiest way to update packages is to edit pyproject.toml to the specified package version, then run:

.. code-block:: shell

poetry lock --no-update

to update the lockfile.

To test that this installs run:

.. code-block:: shell

make install

About versioning

We respect SemVer <>_ here. However, the "public API" of this package is not the user-facing API of the service itself, but is considered to be the set of configuration and services that this package and its dependencies use. Accordingly, follow these rules:

In other words, minor and patch versions are uncomplicated and can be deployed automatically, and major releases are very likely to require specific actions somewhere in the architecture.


  1. Go to project's releases on Github
  2. Publish a new release and tag vX.Y.Z, using autogenerated changelog
  3. Watch for deployment notifications in the Mozilla #kinto-standup Slack channel.

In order to deploy to production:

  1. Go to deployment workflow page <>_
  2. Click on Run workflow
  3. Pick Branch=main, Environment=prod, ref=refs/tags/vX.Y.Z, and click Run workflow
  4. Go to deployment workflow page <>_
  5. Click on the latest prod run
  6. Review pending deployments and click Approve and deploy

See Environments <>_ section for more details about deployments.