mparkms / nodecg-for-smash

NodeCG bundles for use with SSBM tournament streams.
MIT License
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NodeCG for Smash

Bundles for use with NodeCG in Super Smash Bros. Melee streams. Compatible only with OBS Studio with Browser Source plugin v1.21. Recommended that you use the dashboard in Chrome because web-components takes a long time to load in other browsers.

How to use

  1. Install git. Make sure to select 'Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt' if you're on Windows.
  2. Install NodeCG as shown in the instructions on the NodeCG website. If it tells you bower is not recognized, type in npm install -g bower.
  3. From this point on, all commands should be in the regular command line, not Node.js. Exit Node.js by hitting ctrl-C twice if you're in Node.js.
  4. Install nodecg-cli as shown here.
  5. In the command line in the folder you installed NodeCG, enter nodecg install mparkms/nodecg-for-smash
  6. Start NodeCG by entering nodecg start into command prompt in the folder where NodeCG is installed and go to localhost:9090 in your browser.
  7. Install Browser Source v1.21 if you haven't done so already.
  8. If you want to use the Bracket panel's Challonge integration, create the file cfg/nodecg-for-smash.json with contents:

    { "challongeKey": "API KEY }

Installation instruction video - if you're confused about any of the above I suggest watching this.

Having problems with installation? Check here. If that doesn't help, post an issue here or tweet at me @kaabistar

Use with OBS Studio

The installation instructions for OBS Studio are exactly the same as above with the exception that you will have to use Browser Plugin instead of CLR Browser. Also you will have to create your own scene, and manually set the required URLs for browser import elements. The URLs can be found by going into the graphics page in the dashboard using the top-left menu.

Also, elements can sometimes display scroll bars in OBS MP when rendered. To fix this behaviour enter the following in the CSS box for each element you setup in OBS MP:

body {
    overflow: hidden;

Overview of included dashboard panels

Players & Score

Player tag, scores, characters, and countries. Can toggle between 2 player and 4 player mode for doubles. After toggling just hit update again to change the layout. Can also swap players. Supports sponsor icons. Upload in the dashboard in the upload page, then click "Manage Sponsor Icons" in the players panel to assign proper names to each icon. In 2 player mode, it automatically prepends the sponsor's name to the player's tag.

Associated graphic: players.html

Top Info, Playercam, Lower Third

Text for top info panels, playercam, and lower third. You can also send a message to display in the top info area for a short period of time.

Associated graphics: top-info.html, playercam.html, lower-third.html


Top 8 bracket display to show on stream. Can pull the bracket from Challonge and/or the streamer can manually update the bracket. Make sure you've put in your Challonge API key into extension/node-challonge-ext.js if you want to use that feature.

Associated graphics: bracket.html

Crew Battle Rosters

Crew battle roster showing stocks remaining and who is knocked out. Supports up to 10 players per team.

Associated graphics: crew-roster.html


The /images directory contains images you can use on your stream, and the templates if you want to make your own. In-Game Overlay.png is a default overlay that works with the scene collection provided in the /obs directory. The template for this overlay is given in the /images/template directory.


The templates for the in-game overlay and the various background images used in the bundles are provided as .psd files in /images/template. Each .psd file contains the default image with the correct dimensions that you can edit as you please. Export each .psd as a .png into /graphics/img/backgrounds.

Listing of what each file is:
