mparlak / Flee

Fast Lightweight Expression Evaluator
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Exception thrown for Non-Latin identifier: 'Flee.PublicTypes.ExpressionCompileException: SyntaxError: unexpected character 'М', on line: 1 column: 7 ---> Flee.Parsing.grammatica_1._5.alpha2.PerCederberg.Grammatica.Runtime.ParserLogException: unexpected character 'М', on line: 1 column: 7' #70

Open jalex opened 5 years ago

jalex commented 5 years ago

I use .NET Framework 4.8 and when I do the following

var e1 = context.CompileDynamic("test1.Москва");

the exception throws

Flee.PublicTypes.ExpressionCompileException: SyntaxError: unexpected character 'М', on line: 1 column: 7 ---> Flee.Parsing.grammatica_1._5.alpha2.PerCederberg.Grammatica.Runtime.ParserLogException: unexpected character 'М', on line: 1 column: 7
   в Flee.Parsing.grammatica_1._5.alpha2.PerCederberg.Grammatica.Runtime.Parser.Parse()
   в Flee.PublicTypes.ExpressionContext.DoParse()
   --- Конец трассировки внутреннего стека исключений ---
   в Flee.PublicTypes.ExpressionContext.DoParse()
   в Flee.PublicTypes.ExpressionContext.Parse(String expression, IServiceProvider services)
   в Flee.InternalTypes.Expression`1.Compile(String expression, ExpressionOptions options)
   в Flee.InternalTypes.Expression`1..ctor(String expression, ExpressionContext context, Boolean isGeneric)
   в Flee.PublicTypes.ExpressionContext.CompileDynamic(String expression)

How I understand, Flee dosn't support non-Latin characters for identifiers. But C# (CLR) supports it. Is it possible to add support for non-Latin characters for identifiers?