mparlak / Flee

Fast Lightweight Expression Evaluator
607 stars 119 forks source link
csharp expression expression-calculator expression-evaluator flee

Flee (Supports Net6.0, Net5.0, Netstandard2.1, Netstandard2.0)

Fast Lightweight Expression Evaluator. Convert this project to c#.

Project Description

Flee is an expression parser and evaluator for the .NET framework. It allows you to compute the value of string expressions such as sqrt(a^2 + b^2) at runtime. It uses a custom compiler, strongly-typed expression language, and lightweight codegen to compile expressions directly to IL. This means that expression evaluation is extremely fast and efficient.


Installing Flee

You should install Flee with NuGet:

Install-Package Flee

Or via the .NET Core command line interface:

dotnet add package Flee

NuGet Packages

Name NuGet
Flee Flee

More information


Flee is licensed under the LGPL. This means that as long as you dynamically link (ie: add a reference) to the officially released assemblies, you can use it in commercial and non-commercial applications.