mparlak / Flee

Fast Lightweight Expression Evaluator
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Unable to use Expressions with "," #79

Closed ScottBurfieldMills closed 4 years ago

ScottBurfieldMills commented 4 years ago

Any expressions with a comma, e.g. when calling a method with multiple arguments, throw an exception

ParserLogException: unexpected character ',', on line: 1 column: 6

I attempted to use the sample code from this page

I've made it available as a repo

ScottBurfieldMills commented 4 years ago

After reading the unit tests I have found there is a setting for Options.ParseCulture which for me would be en-NZ. Setting this to en-US resolves the problem.

Changing by expression to use ; instead of , to delimit the method parameters works with my default Culture. That seems very strange.