mpc-bioinformatics / macpepdb-web

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The development of MaCPepDB Web is moved to a new repository:

MaCPepDB Web

MaCPepDB web is a web GUI for the MaCPepDB web API.


For development only


MaCPepDB Web consists of two parts.

  1. macpepdb_web_backend - A Flask web application, providing the API endpoints.
  2. macpepdb_web_frontend - A NuxtJS application, providing the web pages.

    Prepare development environment

    Start the MaCPepDB web API, than start the GUI

    # Install node requirements
    yarn install

Start the app

yarn dev

The frontend can than be accessed on port http://localhost:5000


Backend configuration

The frontend is configured by 3 environment variables: variable default description
MACPEPDB_BACKEND_BASE_URL  http://localhost:3000 Base URL for the backend (no trailing slash, must be accessible for the internet browser)
MACPEPDB_FRONTEND_PORT  5000 Port of the frontend
MACPEPDB_FRONTEND_BASE_URL http://localhost:5000 Base URL part for building full URLs


You have two options to run the app:

Native deployment

  1. Clone the project
  2. Prepare the frontend dependencies yarn install
  3. Prepare the frontend yarn build
  4. Start the frontend yarn start

Docker deployment

  1. Clone the project
  2. Build the frontend image docker build --tag="mpc/macpepdb-web-frontend:<some-version-tag>" -f .
  3. Start the frontend container docker run -d -it --name="macpepdb-web-frontend" -p <host-port>:<container-port> mpc/macpepdb-web-frontend:<some-version-tag> (Adjust the environments variables with -e VAR=<VALUE>)

Make it available over a single domain and scale it up

For production and combination of backend and frontend into a single domain just merge the nginx.example.conf with the one of MaCPepDB web API.

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