mpi-forum / pympistandard

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This library provides programmatic access to the extracted data from the MPI Standard build process. The library comes packaged with the dataset for the latest MPI Standard version. It is possible to override the database loaded with either an environment variable or passing of a path:

export "MPISTANDARD"="/my/path/to/my/apis.json"
import pympistandard as std
std.use_api_version(1, given_path="this_is_definitely_a_path")
import pympistandard as std
std.use_api_version(1, force_bundled=True)

Usage example:

import pympistandard as std

if "mpi_send" in std.PROCEDURES:
    mpi_send = std.PROCEDURES.mpi_send 
    mpi_send = std.PROCEDURES["mpi_send"]

# int MPI_Send(const void* buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)

embiggened = [ for proc in std.PROCEDURES.values() if proc.has_embiggenment()]
print(f"Embiggened procedures in 4.1: {len(embiggened)}")
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