mpi2 / impc_stats_pipeline

R packages for the stats pipeline
Apache License 2.0
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IMPC Statistical Pipeline

This is the main R source code repository for IMPC statistical pipeline.

The IMPC statistical pipeline requires 4 steps to complete:

  1. Pre-processing the data and run the analysis.
  2. Run the annotation and transfer pipeline.
  3. Run the report generating pipeline.
  4. Run the extraction of risky genes pipeline.
    init: {
        "theme": "default",
        "themeVariables": {
            "fontSize": "15px"
        "sequence": {
            "useMaxWidth": false
flowchart TB
    subgraph container[ ]
    style container fill:#ffffff
    direction TB
        subgraph stats_pipeline ["Step 1. Analysis ±2 weeks"]
            style stats_pipeline fill:#E6E6FA
            style main_ageing fill:#E6FAE6,stroke:#6FC56D
            style main_ageing_phase3 fill:#E6FAE6,stroke:#6FC56D
            direction LR
            subgraph phase1 ["Phase I. Preparing parquet files ±36 min"]
                direction TB
                inputStatsPipeline[StatsPipeline]-->|DRversion=20.2| step1[far:fa-file Step1MakePar2RdataJobs.R]
                step1 --> |Generate file with a list of jobs| step2_parquet2rdata{{jobs_step2_Parquet2Rdata.bch}}
                step2_parquet2rdata --> step2[far:fa-file Step2Parquet2Rdata.R] 
                step2_parquet2rdata --> |Run all jobs in .bch and \nwait until it's finished| step3[far:fa-file Step3MergeRdataFilesJobs.R]
                step2 --> step3
                step3 --> |Generate file with a list of jobs| step4_merge_rdatas{{jobs_step4_MergeRdatas.bch}}
                step4_merge_rdatas --> step4[far:fa-file Step4MergingRdataFiles.R] 
                step4_merge_rdatas --> |Run all jobs in .bch and \nwait until it's finished| compress_cleaning[Compress log files and clean up]
                step4 --> compress_cleaning
                compress_cleaning --> |zip -rm| parquet_to_rdata_jobs{{far:fa-folder}}
                compress_cleaning --> |zip -rm| parquet_to_rdata_logs{{far:fa-folder}}
                compress_cleaning --> |rm -rf| procedure_scatter_data{{far:fa-folder ProcedureScatterRdata}}
            subgraph phase2 ["Phase II. Reprocessing the data ±5 days 14 hours"]
                direction TB
                job_creator[jobCreator from\nsideFunctions.R] --> |Generate file with jobs| data_generation_job_list{{DataGenerationJobList.bch}}
                data_generation_job_list --> input_data_generator[far:fa-file InputDataGenerator.R]
                data_generation_job_list --> |Run all jobs in .bch and \nwait until it's finished| compress_logs[Compress logs]
                input_data_generator --> generate_data[GenerateData from\nInputDataGenerator.R] 
                generate_data --> |GenerateData run\nmainAgeing function| main_ageing[mainAgeing from\nDRrequiredAgeing]
                main_ageing --> |BatchProducer = TRUE| compress_logs
                compress_logs --> remove_logs[Remove logs]
            subgraph phase3 ["Phase III. Initialising the statistical analysis... ±6 days 22 hours"]
                direction TB
                update_impress[updateImpress from\nsideFunctions.R] --> windowing_pipeline{Is\nwindowingPipeline\nTrue?}
                windowing_pipeline --> |"True — default"| window_true[Copy function_windowed.R\n and rename to function.R]
                windowing_pipeline --> |Else| window_else[Copy function.R]
                window_true --> replace_word[ReplaceWordInFile from\nsideFunctions.R]
                window_else --> replace_word
                replace_word --> |ReplaceWordInFile use function.R| main_ageing_phase3[mainAgeing from\nDRrequiredAgeing]
                main_ageing_phase3 --> |BatchProducer = FALSE\nWait until completion| package_backup[packageBackup from\nsideFunctions.R]
        subgraph further_steps[ ]
            direction LR
            annotation["Step 2.Annotation\nand transfer pipeline\n±1 Day"] --> report["Step 3. Report\ngenerating pipeline\n±½ day"]
            report --> risky["Step 4. Extraction\nof risky genes pipeline\n±30 minutes"]
        input[/ETL Parquet Files\] --> stats_pipeline --> further_steps
        mp_chooser[/mp_chooser\] --> stats_pipeline
        phase1 --> phase2
        phase2 --> phase3

    classDef title font-size:30px
    class stats_pipeline title

How to Run IMPC Statistical Pipeline

These instructions are tailored for Release 21.0.

Step 1. Data Preprocessing and Analysis


  1. Start screen

    screen -S stats-pipeline
  2. Switch to the mi_stats virtual user:

    become mi_stats
  3. Set necessary variables:

    export VERSION="21.0"
    export REMOTE="mpi2"
    export BRANCH="master"
    export KOMP_PATH="<absolute_path_to_directory>"
  4. Create a working directory:

    mkdir --mode=775 ${KOMP_PATH}/impc_statistical_pipeline/IMPC_DRs/stats_pipeline_input_dr${VERSION}
    cd ${KOMP_PATH}/impc_statistical_pipeline/IMPC_DRs/stats_pipeline_input_dr${VERSION}
  5. Copy the input parquet files (±80*10^6 data points) and mp_chooser_json:

    cp ${KOMP_PATH}/data-releases/latest-input/dr${VERSION}/output/flatten_observations_parquet/*.parquet ./
    cp ${KOMP_PATH}/data-releases/latest-input/dr${VERSION}/output/mp_chooser_json/part-*.txt ./mp_chooser.json

    Note: Be cautious, the location of the input files may vary.
    Refer to the Observations Output Schema. In the current dataset, some fields that should be arrays are presented as comma-separated lists.

  6. Convert the mp_chooser JSON file to Rdata:

    R -e "a = jsonlite::fromJSON('mp_chooser.json');save(a,file='mp_chooser.json.Rdata')"
    export MP_CHOOSER_FILE=$(echo -n '"'; realpath mp_chooser.json.Rdata | tr -d '\n'; echo -n '"')
  7. Update packages to the latest version:

    cd ${KOMP_PATH}/impc_statistical_pipeline/IMPC_DRs/stats_pipeline_input_dr${VERSION}
    Rscript UpdatePackagesFromGithub.R ${REMOTE} ${BRANCH}
    rm UpdatePackagesFromGithub.R

Run Statistical Pipeline

  1. Execute the StatsPipeline function on SLURM:
    cd ${KOMP_PATH}/impc_statistical_pipeline/IMPC_DRs/stats_pipeline_input_dr${VERSION}
    sbatch \
    --time=30-00:00:00 \
    --mem=8G \
    -o ../stats_pipeline_logs/stats_pipeline_${VERSION}.log \
    -e ../stats_pipeline_logs/stats_pipeline_${VERSION}.err \
    --wrap="R -e 'DRrequiredAgeing:::StatsPipeline(DRversion=${VERSION})'"

    Note: Remember to note down the job ID number that will appear after submitting the job.

  1. Monitor progress using the following commands:
    • Activate screen to check progress: screen -r 3507472.stats-pipeline
    • Use squeue to check job status.
    • Review the log files:
      less ${KOMP_PATH}/impc_statistical_pipeline/IMPC_DRs/stats_pipeline_logs/stats_pipeline_${VERSION}.log
      less ${KOMP_PATH}/impc_statistical_pipeline/IMPC_DRs/stats_pipeline_logs/stats_pipeline_${VERSION}.err

Step 2. Run Annotation Pipeline

The IMPC_HadoopLoad command uses the power of cluster to assign the annotations to the StatPackets and transfers the files to the Hadoop cluster. The files will be transferred to Hadoop:/hadoop/user/mi_stats/impc/statpackets/DRXX.

  1. Reconnect to screen session Make sure to connect to the same login node you used to start the screen session.

    screen -r 3507472.stats-pipeline
  2. Update packages to the latest version:

    Rscript UpdatePackagesFromGithub.R ${REMOTE} ${BRANCH}
    rm UpdatePackagesFromGithub.R
  3. Run annotation pipeline without exporting it to Hadoop: transfer=FALSE

    cd ${KOMP_PATH}/impc_statistical_pipeline/IMPC_DRs/stats_pipeline_input_dr${VERSION}/SP/jobs/Results_IMPC_SP_Windowed
    sbatch \
    --time=3-00:00:00 \
    --mem=8G \
    -o ../../../../stats_pipeline_logs/annotation_pipeline_${VERSION}.log \
    -e ../../../../stats_pipeline_logs/annotation_pipeline_${VERSION}.err \
    --wrap="R -e 'DRrequiredAgeing:::IMPC_HadoopLoad(prefix=${VERSION},transfer=FALSE,mp_chooser_file=${MP_CHOOSER_FILE})'"

Step 3. Run the Report Generating Pipeline

This process generates statistical reports typically utilized by the IMPC working groups.

  1. Navigate to ${KOMP_PATH}/impc_statistical_pipeline/IMPC_DRs/stats_pipeline_input_drXX.y/SP/jobs/Results_IMPC_SP_Windowed
  2. Allocate a high memory machine on cluster and initialise an interactive shell: bsub –M 300000 –e errReportGeneratingPipeline –o outReportGeneratingPipeline –Is /bin/bash
  3. The commands below will generate two CSV files in the ${KOMP_PATH}/impc_statistical_pipeline/IMPC_DRs/stats_pipeline_input_drXX.y/SP/jobs/Results_IMPC_SP_Windowed directory for the unidimentional and categorical results. The files can be gzip and moved to the FTP directory. You can decorate and format the files by using one of the formatted files in the previous data releases.

Step 4. Run the Extraction of Risky Genes Pipeline

This process generates a list of risky genes to check manually.

  1. Allocate a machine on codon cluster: bsub –M 8000 –Is /bin/bash
  2. Open an R session: R
  3. Run the following command in the console: DRrequiredAgeing:::extractRiskyGenesFromDRs('path to the gzip report from the NEW release','path to the new report on the OLD release')
    • You may need to transfer the old reports to a path to make it accessible for the pipeline.
    • The output of this process is a file RiskyGenesToCheck_[DATE].txt in the current directory with each line a gene that should be manually checked.


Step 2 Annotation Pipeline FAQ