mplekunov / CalculatorApp

GNU General Public License v3.0
1 stars 0 forks source link


General Information


This program allows user to calculate standard mathematical expressions (as any other basic calculator)

User Guide

Editing Feature

User can edit their expression at anytime by entering "Edit Mode". To enter Edit Mode, press on any operator or operand of the expression. The editable operator/operand will be highlighted for convenience:

EditingMode 480x

To exit Edit Mode, press "equal button" (which will be displayed as "check mark" in Edit Mode):

CheckButton 480x

While in Edit Mode, user can freely choose any other operand/operator and change them accordingly:

FreeEditing 480x

Edit Mode has type safety, which means operators can only be replaced by other operators, and numbers can only be replaced by other numbers. All other buttons, are turned off for safety.

Negative Numbers

Negative numbers are fully supported:

NegativeNumbers 480x

There also exist typesafety... Changing "number" sign on anything other than "-" will result in "NaN" result:

TypeSafety 480x

Advanced Mode

Calculator also supports "advanced mode". It can be accessed by pressing "change layout" button. In advanced mode, user can use additional mathematical functions, as well as parentheses.

AdvancedMode 480x