mr-feek / AValcohol

On-Demand ecommerce platform including delivery zones and admin dashboards
1 stars 1 forks source link

This is a laravel API and backbone/marionette single page app. It was built for a prototype on demand alcohol delivery service.

AValcohol Build Status


Initializing this project locally:

  1. clone this repo
  2. open up terminal and navigate to the cloned repo
  3. type bower install to install the front-end dependencies (make sure you have bower installed first)
  4. type php composer.phar install (make sure you have composer installed first)

Current Deploy Process To

  1. push changes to the dev branch on this repo, the rest will be handled magically by forge

Current Production Deploy Process To

  1. test on dev first.
  2. merge into master and git push
  3. forge will take care of the rest
  4. watch error logs

API Design Philosophy (loosely followed for the time being)

SIMPLICITY & USABILITY > complex design patterns. We can always refactor at a later point.


performs logic that does not require any data (IE whether or not the store is open for orders, etc) certain authentication calls controller


perform required data validation calls service return response


can pull in other services if needed to communicate with other services (not other repositories)??? handles business rules (permissions, etc) by calling the repositories methods and arranging logic based on repositories response throws business exceptions calls repository fire events


performs and returns individual logic. each method performs one task strict parameters listed in each function throws find or fail exceptions


eloquent stuff