mr-karan / nomad-vector-logger

A daemon which continuously watches jobs running in a Nomad cluster and templates out a Vector configuration file which can be used to collect application logs enriched with Nomad metadata.
MIT License
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nomad vector


A daemon which continuously watches for deployments in a Nomad cluster and generates a Vector configuration file, which can be used to collect logs enriched with Nomad metadata.

Each log event is annotated with the following metadata:



Currently, Nomad stores all application logs inside $NOMAD_DATA_DIR/$NOMAD_ALLOC_DIR/logs/ directory. The limitation is that these logs don't have any information about the task/job/allocation etc. Suppose there are multiple deployments on the same host. In that case, no central log collecting agent can distinguish and process these logs uniquely.

For the docker driver, this is a non-issue since logging of tasks with the docker driver is configured with logging stanza.

Users running deployments with raw_exec and exec as the task driver will find that no such configuration exists as mentioned in this GitHub Issue.


You can see a sample config file that is generated by this daemon. This config file can be used in addition to other vector config files to provide the config for the rest of the pipeline (additional transformations, sinks etc.).


Logs without any metdata on /opt/nomad/data/alloc/$ALLOC_ID/alloc/logs:

==> proxy.stdout.0 <== - - [03/Sep/2022:17:30:36 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 27 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:103.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/103.0" "-"


This is an example JSON log collected from nginx task running with raw_exec task driver on Nomad, collected using vector:

    "file": "/opt/nomad/data/alloc/64a2f9fd-e003-0bb3-b5cd-838125283a06/alloc/logs/proxy.stdout.0",
    "host": "pop-os",
    "message": " - - [03/Sep/2022:17:30:36 +0000] \"GET / HTTP/1.1\" 200 27 \"-\" \"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:103.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/103.0\" \"-\"",
    "nomad": {
        "alloc_id": "64a2f9fd-e003-0bb3-b5cd-838125283a06",
        "group_name": "nginx",
        "job_name": "nginx",
        "namespace": "default",
        "node_name": "pop-os",
        "task_name": "proxy"
    "source_type": "file",
    "timestamp": "2022-09-03T17:30:42.569487273Z"

Dev Setup

make dev

You can refer to a local dev suite which runs this program in a Nomad cluster. The jobspec can also be used as a reference for production deployment.

Deployment Notes

namespace "*" {
  policy = "read"

node {
  policy = "read"

agent {
  policy = "read"

You can choose one of the various deployment options:


Grab the latest release from Releases.

To run:

$ ./nomad-vector-logger.bin --config config.toml


View a sample deployment file at dev/deployment.nomad.


Docker images are available on GitHub.


Refer to config.sample.toml for a list of configurable values.

Environment Variables

All config variables can also be populated as env variables by prefixing NOMAD_VECTOR_LOGGER_ and replacing . with __.

For eg: app.data_dir becomes NOMAD_VECTOR_LOGGER_app__data_dir.


Please feel free to open a new issue for bugs, feedback etc.