Just a CSV Util Package! keep it simple, let's groot do it for you!
Input Examples (CSV Format)
name, tree_height
groot, 36.468
another_groot, 24.128
more_groot, 24.35
Csv file to List of Key-Value (string, string) Dictionary
var iamGroots = Groot.GetDictFromCsv(path);
Console.WriteLine($"Groot's height is {iamGroots[0]["height"]}");
Csv file to List of Objects
public class Tree
public string name { get; set; }
public decimal Height { get; set; }
//GrootField is the header column in csv files
var iamGroots = Groot.GetObjectFromCsv<Tree>(path);
Console.WriteLine($"Groot's height is {iamGroots[0].height}");