mrKappa27 / WPDLogger

ESP32 pressure datalogger to microsd
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ESP32 offline pressure datalogger to microsd.

:alarm_clock: The goal of this project is to log to a microsd card the readings of an analog water pressure transducer every 60S on a CSV file. :electric_plug: It will be powered by an external battery (power bank) or a classic USB power supply. :battery: Power consumption was a key point so I've used the ESP32 deep sleep options to greatly reduce the power draw.

:watch: Right now there's no way to retrieve the time, we'll have a global incremental ID that increments each cycle.

Future improvements

:satellite: Send data via LoraWan and/or WiFi to a remote endpoint

:sparkles: Custom PCB

:hourglass: External RTC

:blue_book: Bluetooth setup (Date and time + logging cadence)


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.