mrap / rails-mrap-seed

A Rails project skeleton for those who want to go fast NOW. Preconfigured and ready to go. Featuring Mongoid (MongoDB), HAML, Bootstrap, RSpec+Capybara.
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For those who need to go fast on Rails.

This is the seed project I wish I had for my last hackathons.

The Stack:

Main Players:

Fast Testing!

Fast Deployment!

Preconfigured for Heroku. Foreman for development, Unicorn for production. Details here. Note: Requires a MongoDB add-on. I use MongoHQ.

Getting Started

Before you begin, ensure you have MongoDB installed on your system.

For Mac users, I recommend installing MongoDB via Homebrew:

brew install mongodb

1) Clone this repo and cd into the directory.

git clone && cd rails-mrap-seed

2) In another terminal window, start your local MongoDB server. This will run in the background as your development server.


3) Bundle install everything.

bundle install

4) Run rspec and make sure it works.


The Ideal Setup

4 terminal windows

Main Terminal: This is where you code/commit/etc. The usual stuff.

Guard: This is where your specs run automatically. Zeus must be running!

Start Guard:

bundle exec guard

Zeus: This is where you can start/stop Zeus.

Start Zeus:

zeus start

MongoDB: This is where you start/stop MongoDB. DO NOT forget to start this.

Start MongoDB:


Ideally we want our specs to run automatically everytime we save a file. We use zeus to keep Rails "running" in its current state. If you don't use zeus, you'd have to wait ~3-5 seconds everytime you run specs. Railscasts breaks down the details in this screencast. I highly recommend watching this!

Helpful Links for syntax and matchers

Mongoid-Rspec matchers