mrchi / openhaystack-esp32-firmware

Compiled openhaystack firmware for esp-wroom-32.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
8 stars 1 forks source link
airtag esp-wroom-32 esp32 esp32-wroom openhaystack


This is a compiled OpenHaystack firmware for esp-wroom-32.

Tested on macOS 12.4.

How to use(macOS)

Install VCP driver

install CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Driver for esp-wroom-32

brew install silicon-labs-vcp-driver

you may need to run manually by following prompt of brew command.

Install OpenHaystack app on Mac

Follow the instruction from OpenHaystack to install OpenHaystack app on Mac.

Get advertisement key

  1. Open OpenHaystack app on Mac, create a new accessory.
  2. Right click the accessory name, choose "Copy advertisement key" -> "Base64".
  3. Right click the accessory name, choose "Mark as deployed".

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Deploy firmware on esp-wroom-32

Connect esp32 with Macos by USB, execute

./ -p /dev/yourSerialPort "Base64-encoded advertisement key"

You might need to reset your device after running the script before it starts sending advertisements.

Get accessory position on OpenHaystack app

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