mrcjkb / rustaceanvim

Supercharge your Rust experience in Neovim! A heavily modified fork of rust-tools.nvim
GNU General Public License v2.0
1.28k stars 47 forks source link

Error on launch: invalid pathname #100

Closed svermeulen closed 6 months ago

svermeulen commented 6 months ago

Neovim version (nvim -v)


Operating system/version

Windows 11 Pro

Output of :checkhealth rustaceanvim

rustaceanvim: require("").check()

Checking for Lua dependencies ~
- OK [mfussenegger/nvim-dap]( installed.

Checking external dependencies ~
- OK rust-analyzer: found 
- OK Cargo: found 
- OK rustc: found 
- OK debug adapter: found codelldb 

Checking config ~
- OK No errors found in config.

Checking for conflicting plugins ~
- OK No conflicting plugins detected.

How to reproduce the issue

set NVIM_DATA_MINIMAL=<temp dir>
set NVIM_APP_NAME="nvim-minimal"
nvim -u minimal.lua
<open rust project>
:RustLsp debuggables
<select main>

Expected behaviour

Should start DAP successfully

Actual behaviour

Triggers this error:


The minimal config used to reproduce this issue.

local lazypath = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/lazy/lazy.nvim"
if not vim.loop.fs_stat(lazypath) then
    "--branch=stable", -- latest stable release

-- Minimal nvim config with lazy
-- Assumes a directory in $NVIM_DATA_MINIMAL
-- Start with
-- export NVIM_DATA_MINIMAL=$(mktemp -d)
-- export NVIM_APP_NAME="nvim-ht-minimal"
-- nvim -u minimal.lua
-- Then exit out of neovim and start again.

-- Ignore default config
local config_path = vim.fn.stdpath('config')

-- ignore default plugins
local data_path = vim.fn.stdpath('data')
local pack_path = data_path .. '/site'

-- bootstrap lazy.nvim
data_path = assert(os.getenv('NVIM_DATA_MINIMAL'), '$NVIM_DATA_MINIMAL environment variable not set!')
local lazypath = data_path .. '/lazy/lazy.nvim'
local uv = vim.uv
  ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: deprecated
  or vim.loop
if not uv.fs_stat(lazypath) then
  vim.fn.system {

local lazy = require('lazy')

    version = '^3',
    init = function()
      -- Configure rustaceanvim here
      vim.g.rustaceanvim = {}
    ft = { 'rust' },
  { 'mfussenegger/nvim-dap' },
  { 'williamboman/mason.nvim' },
  -- Add any other plugins needed to reproduce the issue.
  -- see for details.
}, { root = data_path, state = data_path .. '/lazy-state.json', lockfile = data_path .. '/lazy-lock.json' })


vim.g.rustaceanvim = function()
  -- Update this path
  local extension_path = vim.env.HOME .. '/.vscode/extensions/vadimcn.vscode-lldb-1.10.0/'
  local codelldb_path = extension_path .. 'adapter/codelldb'
  local liblldb_path = extension_path .. 'lldb/lib/liblldb'
  local this_os = uv.os_uname().sysname

  -- The path is different on Windows
  if this_os:find "Windows" then
    codelldb_path = extension_path .. "adapter\\codelldb.exe"
    liblldb_path = extension_path .. "lldb\\bin\\liblldb.dll"
    -- The liblldb extension is .so for Linux and .dylib for MacOS
    liblldb_path = liblldb_path .. (this_os == "Linux" and ".so" or ".dylib")

  local cfg = require('rustaceanvim.config')
  return {
    dap = {
      adapter = cfg.get_codelldb_adapter(codelldb_path, liblldb_path),
svermeulen commented 6 months ago

Should also note that if I use a custom fork of rustaceanvim and comment out the call to get_lldb_commands, then debugging works fine

svermeulen commented 6 months ago

The python file it is referencing does not exist at that location. I also tried the stable release of rust and it didn't have that file either.

mrcjkb commented 6 months ago

Hey :wave:

Thanks for reporting. I'll see if I can come up with a fix soon. In the meantime, you can work around it by disabling it:

vim.g.rustaceanvim = {
  dap = {
    load_rust_types = false,