mrdizzy / node-casamiento

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This is a good article about dependencies done right:

Node uses Semantic versioning in the format 1.2.3 where 1 is a major version that is not backwards compatible, 2 is a minor version and 3 is a patch version.

compression - this module which can be found in app.js as part of middleware is used to compress using gzip and serve gzip compressed files (svg, json, html) to the browser. 



The main layout is in views/layout.ejs

This is used by home.js. This layout also specifies the stylesheet to use which is main.css

THe admin layout is in views/admin_layout.ejs


See this gist regarding implementing tagging in CouchDB:

Arrays of tags must be in alphabetical order in order to match one another when searching for matching tags.




attachments_order: this field is an array that determines the order of the attachments [1,4,3,5] means attachments will be displayed in that order.


/public/ebay_templates/auction.html -> Simplicity Invitation package sample auction /public/ebay_templates/buy_it_now.html -> Simplicity Invitation package buy-it-now multiple variation listing /public/ebay_templates/testing.html -> Simplicity Invitation package old listing ebay from 2011 with photographs

/views/ebay/name_places/new.ejs -> Single name place card listing /views/ebay/name_places/name_places_new_trial.ejs -> Multiple name place cards listing this is called by /ebay/places url

## Single place card template 

Use the query string to provide options to the template:
    buy_it_now = item number
    auction = true or false
    price = decimal



For preparing the background divs that are used to display the background colours for the transparent product images. This works by looping through each of the attachments using the attachments_order field, and then checking the colours attribute to see if the product has more than 1 colour. If it has only 1 colour then we just specify the background colour in the tag as css. If it has more than 1 colour, then we find the correlating background-[number] field which contains the divs for the second background colour, and we render these using a template. We then use a second template which is passed the resulting divs we just rendered to create a self-container div that can be displayed.

in_groups_of - identical to client-side version below


JavaScripts are kept in /public/javascripts/libraries if they are a library that is used by other scripts.

## /public/javascripts/libraries/attachments.js

This file provides classes for CouchDB models that contain attachments, abstracting out a lot of reusable functionality. 

/public/javascripts/libraries/json_to_xmls.js - routines for converting json to XML

/public/javascripts/libraries/color_picker.js - the color picker 
/public/javascripts/libraries/backbone_syphon.js - routines for serializing forms for Backbone
/public/javascripts/libraries/in_groups_of.js - routines for grouping arrays


This directory corresponds to the /views/admin/products/index.ejs file and contains three files:
    /public/javascripts/admin/models.js - contains the Product and ProductTypes Backbone models
    /public/javascripts/admin/themes.js - contains the Theme models AND views
    /public/javsacripts/admin/products.js - contains the Product views

    contains /show.js which corresponds to the /views/products/show.ejs file


/controllers/admin/products.js - for updating/creating products /controllers/attachments.js - for displaying couchdb attachments by streaming them using the .show method /controllers/paypal.js - displays paypal transactions for immediate download, does not save them to database in any way


Routes are all listed in /routes. The /routes/index.js file is required in app.js and,it is passed an instance of the application. Within the routes/index.js it

* sets up express-resource based routes
* loops through all the other files in the /routes directory and
* requires each of the files which set up other routes

This is better than cluttering the app.js file with routes.



    Takes a list of names in a textarea box and formats them as XML for importing into Illustrator.

