mrexodia / gogitterirc

Gitter/IRC Sync bot written in Go
MIT License
7 stars 5 forks source link


This is a simple Gitter/IRC/Telegram syncronization bot witten in Go for a low memory footprint.

NOTICE: It is currently in development, but actively used and maintained!


The gitter-irc-bot project works great, but the overhead of Node.js is an annoyance so I decided to write a clone in Go (which compiles to native code). Also the Gitter stream API is very unstable so this bot uses the Gitter IRC bridge.


  1. Install Go (developed on go1.6)
  2. Run go get
  3. Copy config_sample.json to config.json and configure like this:
    "IRC": {
        "Nick": "nickname",
        "Channel": "#channel"
    "Gitter": {
        "Pass": "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567",
        "Nick": "nickname",
        "Channel": "#team/room"
    "Telegram": {
        "Token": "012345678:abcdefghijklmn024728734hskjdnchfdb4",
        "Admins": "admin1 admin2 admin3"
  4. Build/Run gogitterirc and have fun!

To make the Telegram bot sync run the /startsync command as admin in the group you want to sync to/from.