mrfylke / hwb-standard

MQTT topic and payload specification for Sales Client Hardware Integration for Buses in Norway
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HWB Standard

This repo contains specifications for MQTT message exchange (topic + payload) intended for hardware topologies running in busses using MT Bus client for sales and validation.

Scope of this specification is primarly for Møre og Romsdal Fylkeskommune and FRAM, but the overall ambition is for a broad consensus with other operators and authorities.

Structure of this repo

In this repo you'll find a test client, CLI validator, documentation page, and the specification it self.

Topic tree

├── device
│   ├── [deviceId]
│   │   └── diagnostics
│   │       └── request
│   └── diagnostics
│       └── request
├── sensors
│   └── location
└── validators
    ├── [deviceId]
    │   ├── configure
    │   │   ├── current
    │   │   └── request
    │   └── response
    ├── barcode
    ├── configure
    │   ├── current
    │   └── request
    └── nfc
        └── apdu
            ├── [deviceId]
            │   └── transmit
            └── receive

Adding new Specifications

See documentation specifications/

CLI tooling

Given that you have installed Node.js on your system, you can use this package as a CLI for validationg local JSON-files. See documentation on usage


Usage: npx @frammr/mqtt-validator -t [topic] -f [file]

      --version  Show version number                                   [boolean]
  -f, --file     file to validate                                     [required]
  -t, --topic    choose a topic                         [required] [choices: ""]
  -h, --help     Show help                                             [boolean]

  Validate foo.json with location specification

    npx @frammr/mqtt-validator -t sensors/gnss/location -f foo.json

MQTT Client

Running the validator and test client as a service connecting to a MQTT Broker (e.g. a hub or gateway in a bus test rig).


Getting started

# 1. Get repo
git clone

# 2. Install dependencies
yarn install

# 3. Copy .env.example and configure
cp ./packages/test-client/.env.example ./packages/test-client/.env
# Edit .env file

# 4. Start MQTT client
yarn run-testclient

This will add a subscriber to the Broker as specified in .env. You might need a local test broker also. An alternative might be Mosquitto.

Hardware and Communications

This shows an example component overview as it could be connected in a bus. All protocols here are MQTT, with the option of multiple Barcode and NFC devices.

title: Component connections w/protocols

graph TB

    subgraph terminal
    A(Sales Client)
    A(Sales Client) <--MQTT--> B(Gateway)

    subgraph READERS

    B <--MQTT--> READERS


    style C opacity:0.7,stroke-dasharray: 4

The Gateway in this example is the MQTT broker and components and the terminal are producers/consumers.


The following is a pseudo-example of how the communication will go with message passing using MQTT. All payload will be expected to be JSON. See example models further down in this document.

title: Example communication flow
    participant Sales Client
    participant Gateway

    Gateway->>Barcode: connect()
    Barcode-->>Gateway: ack

    Sales Client->>Gateway: connect()
    Gateway-->>Sales Client: ack

    Sales Client->>Gateway: subscribe(/barcode/validation/request)
    activate Gateway

    Barcode->>Gateway: publish(/barcode/validation/request)
    Gateway-->>Sales Client: :validation-request
    deactivate Gateway

    activate Gateway
    Sales Client->>Gateway: publish(/barcode/validation/confirm)
    Gateway-->>Barcode: :validation-confirm

    deactivate Gateway

Example topics and payloads

The following are examples of what topics and layloads might look like. This will be under continuous change and will be updated as development progresses. For the final source of truth check out the specifications.

Topic /gps/position/

  "atDateTime": "2023-02-06T12:45:50+01:00",
  "position": {
    "latitude": 0,
    "longitude": 0

Topic /barcode/validation/request/

  "type": "aztec",
  "deviceId": "<id>",
  "code": "<base64-encoded-code>"

Prior work

Other similar work that is used as inspiration.