speclens is a package for simulating galaxy images and velocity maps for spectroscopic weak lensing. The goal is to determine optimal approaches to measuring galaxy kinematics for the suppression of shape noise, including the dependence on spatial and spectral resolution, and uncertainties in seeing and pointing.
speclens currently uses the following packages:
python, and common libaries like numpy, matplotlib, scipy
emcee Dan Foreman-Mackey's parallel sampler for fast MCMC
fitsio Erin Sheldon's fitsio for python - used for storing MCMC chains
acorr For MCMC convergence testing
GalSim The GalSim package for galaxy images, PSFs, shear. Currently GalSim is used as an optional path to generating, convolving, and shearing galaxy images. It will be used for testing against the mainline approach of pixel arrays.
The following packages are imported by some scripts in scratch/ but aren't essential for the main functions: