mrglassdanny / vscode-moca-client

MOCA Client Extension for Visual Studio Code
MIT License
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MOCA Client Extension for Visual Studio Code

Provides MOCA client and language support for Visual Studio Code via the MOCA Language Server.




Quick Start

Quick Start Demo

  1. Install extension

    • search for "MOCA"
  2. Make sure minimum Java version is installed and either:

    • set JRE_HOME environment variable
    • set JAVA_HOME environment variable
    • set javapath in PATH environment variable
  3. Extension is activated after you either:

    • open MOCA file (.moca OR .msql)
      • no difference between .moca and .msql -- just 2 extensions for the same thing
    • make MOCA connection




MOCA Connection | Execute | Execute Selection | Execute To CSV | Execute Selection To CSV | Show MOCA Script Execution History For Current Window | Command Lookup | Start/Stop Trace | Open Trace Outline


can hover over configuration items below in vscode settings.json for more information

can remove/leave empty user and/or password fields in order to be prompted for them upon MOCA connection attempt


If you think something is missing or could be improved, please open issues and pull requests.

Please refer to the contribution guide for specifics.


Please refer to FAQ to see if questions have already been asked/answered!
