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openwrt - uqmi

Customized uqmi with APN profiles. More information and source code:

Latest version: 2022-11-29-0.10

From version 2022-09-13-0.9, an SMS receive/send function and a connectivity daemon are included.\ The SMS is stored in /var/sms/received and the file name is sent to script /usr/bin/ ( is not included in the ipk file). The daemon will run every 30sec and check the network connectivity and send the RSSI value to script /usr/bin/ to trigger signal strenght LEDs ( is not included in the ipk file).\ Don´t run other uqmi scripts in parallell. The modems are not able to handle multiple uqmi request at the same time.\ If you need some special uqmi command to be exequted every 30s, add them to the daemon, /usr/bin/\ \ Switches:\ uci set network.<your interface>.ipv6profile=<ipv6 profile number>\ If you need an other APN for IPv6. Configure you IPv4 APN with LuCI and add the IPv6 APN with uqmi command --create-profile or --modify-profile\ \ uci set network.<your interface>.abort_search=false\ If you have you modem in poor radio coverage, you can let the modem search for network for ever (default, it will search for 35 sec).\ \ uci set network.<your interface>.daemon=false\ If you would like to turn off the daemon.\ \ Don´t foget to run uci commit network. \ \ Downloading file to your router:\ Choose OpenWrt version and target.\ Go to the file, right click on Download button and select Copy link addess.\ Then paste the link in your router after wget.

opkg install uqmi_2022-11-29-0.10_mipsel_24kc.ipk

\ \ example for MR200v4



LED1=$(readlink -f /sys/class/leds/mr200v4:white:signal1)
LED2=$(readlink -f /sys/class/leds/mr200v4:white:signal2)
LED3=$(readlink -f /sys/class/leds/mr200v4:white:signal3)

if [ "${rssi}" -eq -200 ]
    echo none > $LED1/trigger
    echo none > $LED2/trigger
    echo none > $LED3/trigger
elif [ "${rssi}" -le -90 ]
    echo default-on > $LED1/trigger
    echo none > $LED2/trigger
    echo none > $LED3/trigger
elif [ "${rssi}" -le -70 ]
    echo default-on > $LED1/trigger
    echo default-on > $LED2/trigger
    echo none > $LED3/trigger
    echo default-on > $LED1/trigger
    echo default-on > $LED2/trigger
    echo default-on > $LED3/trigger

\ \ example


Bnumber=$(sed -n '1p' $receivedSMS)
if [ $Bnumber = '+46123456' ]
    first_row=$(sed -n '2p' $receivedSMS)
    second_row=$(sed -n '3p' $receivedSMS)
#   Execute your commands
    rm $receivedSMS
    logger -t SMS Unauthorized Anumber
    rm $receivedSMS