mrhappyasthma / IsThisStockGood

A tool for evaluating companies using the Rule #1 investing principles.
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Add a scraper for Yahoo Finance #3

Closed mrhappyasthma closed 3 years ago

mrhappyasthma commented 5 years ago

Particularly useful for the analysis. URL =<symbol>/analysis.

Looking at the Next 5 Years (per annum).

mrhappyasthma commented 4 years ago

We can use xpath query to scrape.


mrhappyasthma commented 3 years ago

Some info on the yahoo finance API:

mrhappyasthma commented 3 years ago

regularMarketPrice and marketCap from,marketCap&symbols=.

Also trailingAnnualDividendRate and dividendDate.

For company info and sec filings: sector, website, industry, longBusinessSummary, companyOfficers,secFilings

Other modules are:

modules = Array(26) [
  0: "assetProfile"
  1: "incomeStatementHistory"
  2: "incomeStatementHistoryQuarterly"
  3: "balanceSheetHistory"
  4: "balanceSheetHistoryQuarterly"
  5: "cashFlowStatementHistory"
  6: "cashFlowStatementHistoryQuarterly"
  7: "defaultKeyStatistics"
  8: "financialData"
  9: "calendarEvents"
  10: "secFilings"
  11: "recommendationTrend"
  12: "upgradeDowngradeHistory"
  13: "institutionOwnership"
  14: "fundOwnership"
  15: "majorDirectHolders"
  16: "majorHoldersBreakdown"
  17: "insiderTransactions"
  18: "insiderHolders"
  19: "netSharePurchaseActivity"
  20: "earnings"
  21: "earningsHistory"
  22: "earningsTrend"
  23: "industryTrend"
  24: "indexTrend"
  25: "sectorTrend"

Ex-dividend date comes from calendarEvents.

Cash on hand comes from balanceSheetHistory. -

mrhappyasthma commented 3 years ago

The only thing I can't figure out how to get yet (which I need) is Next 5 Years (per annum). This is used as part of the calculations to determine pricing.

mrhappyasthma commented 3 years ago

This comes down during the main response, so we can just URL fetch the analysis page.

The json is populated in the reactjs root.App.main=.

mrhappyasthma commented 3 years ago

I'm not entirely sure why, but doing a local test works fine. But porting the code to run on the server is not finding the string in the output.

import lxml.html as html
from json import loads
import re
import requests

def isPercentage(text):
  match = re.match('(\d+(\.\d+)?%)', text)
  return match != None

def parseNextPercentage(iterator):
  node = None
  while node is None or not isPercentage(node.text):
    node = next(iterator)
  return node.text

r = requests.get('')
tree = html.fromstring(bytes(r.text, encoding='utf8'))
tree_iterator = tree.iter()
for element in tree_iterator:
  text = element.text
  if text == 'Next 5 Years (per annum)':
mrhappyasthma commented 3 years ago

Oh, it was a copy paste error. Of course :P

mrhappyasthma commented 3 years ago

Work mostly complete in

mrhappyasthma commented 3 years ago

As of, the code is being used to calculate margin of safety.

I still need to parse the current price from the quote and display that.

mrhappyasthma commented 3 years ago

Plenty of good data here too:

mrhappyasthma commented 3 years ago

Quote scraping added in

The only thing that's needed (although I don't have an immediate use for it) is for fetching quoteSummary modules:

mrhappyasthma commented 3 years ago

Started the implementation here:

mrhappyasthma commented 3 years ago

It seems like the parsing can be done along the lines of this:

results= data['quoteSummary']['result']
moduleData = {}
for module in self.modules:
  for result in results:
    if module in result:
      moduleData[module] = result[module]

This should produce a dictionary with keys for each module, and the results being the result.

mrhappyasthma commented 3 years ago

Reading data from a file, I confirmed this approach works:

import json

f = open("temp.txt", "r")
content =
data = json.loads(content)

results = data['quoteSummary']['result']
modules = ['assetProfile', 'secFilings', 'financialData']
moduleData = {}
for module in modules:
  for result in results:
    if module in result:
      moduleData[module] = result[module]

for key, value in moduleData.items():