mrhappyasthma / IsThisStockGood

A tool for evaluating companies using the Rule #1 investing principles.
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This website attempts to automate much of the calculations described in Phil Town's Rule #1 investing book. (As well as his second book, Payback Time.)

To use the website, simply enter in a stock ticker symbol and let this site do its magic.

The data for this website is pulled from various sources such as Morningstar, Yahoo Finance, MSN Money, etc.

If you wanted to mirror many of these calculations in a spreadsheet, you can check out Phil Town's PDF explaining this step-by-step.

NOTE: This site is for personal investing purposes only. Any analysis on this site should be used at your own discretion. Obviously investing always carries some risk, but if you follow the principles in Rule #1 investing, then this site should be a "one stop shop" for all the calculations/resources you may need.

Stock Screening

If you want to run bulk queries for stock analysis, check out the Rule 1 Stock Screener repository.

This repository contains a script to iteratively issue a bulk fetch and populate a MySQL database with the results. It also includes some predefined SQL queries for convenience.

Running the site locally.

  1. Clone the repo.

  2. Install python3, if you haven't already.

  3. Run the following command to install the dependencies:

    python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. cd into the directory and create a virtualenv by running:

    virtualenv flask
  5. Run the following command:

    source flask/Scripts/activate

    You should now seek (flask) in your terminal prompt.

  6. Run the with:


Deploying the site

If you haven't already, install the Google Cloud SDK

If it's your first time deploying, run:

gcloud init

If you already have an initialized repository, then simply run

gcloud app deploy app.yaml