mrhappyasthma / IsThisStockGood

A tool for evaluating companies using the Rule #1 investing principles.
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Debt - should we consider only the long-term amount, like we did before the recent fixes? #74

Closed kocielnik closed 1 month ago

kocielnik commented 1 month ago
$ curl -s\?apikey\=0QfOX3Vn51YCzitbLaRkTTBadtWpgTN8NZLW0C1SEM\&ocid\=finance-utils-peregrine\&cm\=en-us\&it\=web\&scn\=MSFT\&ids\=a226gh\&intents\=Quotes,Exchanges,QuoteDetails\&wrapodata\=false | jq . > out.json
$ < out.json jq '.[0]["equity"]["analysis"]["annualStatements"]["2009"]["liabilities"]'
$ < out.json jq '.[0]["equity"]["analysis"]["annualStatements"]["2009"]["longTermDebt"]'

Seems it would only take a change in a single label.

Something to pay attention to: I haven't yet checked if the unit of the label longTermDebt matches the unit for liabilities (thousands, millions, etc.).

kocielnik commented 1 month ago

Proposed changes: #75

mrhappyasthma commented 1 month ago

I think using long term debt is probably fine. It better matches what Phil Town mentioned in Rule #1, from what I recall.

Although we should also update the text label in the HTML template

kocielnik commented 1 month ago

It better matches what Phil Town mentioned in Rule #1

It turns out Phil has his own Toolbox (surprise, surprise), and this toolbox ( also uses long-term debt specifically.

I consider this an additional confirmation we're heading in the right direction.


mrhappyasthma commented 1 month ago
