mrin / domoticz-mirobot-plugin

Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum plugin for Domoticz
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no data transmission from robot after reset wifi (and token) #21

Open adrienvia opened 4 years ago

adrienvia commented 4 years ago

Hi, the plugin worked for a long lont time perfectly, and recently I had to reset the wifi of the roborock, I retrieved and change the token in the script. it is the good token because it works with flolevac or with a command like that: "sudo mirobo --ip --token "thenewtoken start"

but when i put it in domoticz i don't have any error in the log, (execpt 'onDeviceModified' not callable, ignored) but I cannot use the swich command, or i don't have the infos about battery, or other stuffs about the robot. (by the way it's the same devices on domoticz even after create a new hardware)

when i use, it tries to connect to ther server, but with no answer from the device... I don't know why, only the token had change...

edit: maybe it is because of a new update for the robot, that blocks the info from the server... I tried to downgrade with flolevac but I cannot do it anymore... ^^