mrin / domoticz-mirobot-plugin

Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum plugin for Domoticz
57 stars 28 forks source link
domoticz domoticz-plugin python-miio python-mirobo xiaomi-robot

Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum - Domoticz Python plugin

This plugin uses the Python-miio library.

See this link for more information on the Domoticz plugins.

How it works

Plugin provides: Status, Control, Fan Level, Battery, Care status devices

Status: show current status in readable layout of switch. Status updates by polls (interval) and when you click Control device (for instant status change).

Control: for sending commands.

Fan Level: for adjusting suction power. (MiHome app related: Quiet=38, Balanced=60, Turbo=77, Max=90)

Battery: since 0.0.4 as new device

Care: since 0.1.0 new 5 devices (care status + reset tool)

Since 0.1.0 plugin uses wrapper-server for python-miio lib. It helps to use this plugin in Domoticz without blocking mode.

Since 0.1.2 wrapper-server (MIIO Server) runs outside plugin due limits of domoticz python plugin system.


Before installation plugin check the python3, python3-dev, pip3 is installed for Domoticz plugin system:

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-dev python3-pip

Make sure you have libffi and openssl headers installed, you can do this on Debian-based systems (like Rasperry Pi) with:

sudo apt-get install libffi-dev libssl-dev.

Also do note that the setuptools version is too old for installing some requirements, so before trying to install this package you should update the setuptools with:

sudo pip3 install -U setuptools.

Also need to install virtualenv:

sudo pip3 install -U virtualenv.

Then go to plugins folder and clone repository:

cd domoticz/plugins
git clone xiaomi-mirobot
cd xiaomi-mirobot
virtualenv -p python3 .env
source .env/bin/activate

# and then:
pip3 install -r pip_req.txt 
# or pip3 install gevent msgpack-python python-miio==0.3.1

Since 0.1.2 need some prepare of MIIO Server to run as service:

  1. Open and edit by vi/nano:

1. Check and update absolute path to

2. Update IP and TOKEN for robot

3. Optional. Change MIIO server host-port bindings if need it


DAEMON_USER=root DAEMON=/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/xiaomi-mirobot/ DAEMON_ARGS=" 476e6b70343055483230644c53707a12" DAEMON_ARGS="$DAEMON_ARGS --host --port 22222" #

2. Check path to python3 ```which python3```. By default is ```/usr/bin/python3```. 
If your path different than default, update first line with your path.


3. For run as system service:

sudo chmod +x sudo chmod +x

check your path here:

sudo ln -s /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/xiaomi-mirobot/ /etc/init.d/miio_server

add to startup

sudo update-rc.d miio_server defaults sudo systemctl daemon-reload

if you want to remove from startup

sudo update-rc.d -f miio_server remove

4. Run server and test script:

sudo service miio_server start sudo chmod +x sudo ./

to stop miio server service

sudo service miio_server stop

Also you can run MIIO Server manually and look log output:

sudo ./ 476e6b70343055483230644c53707a12 --host --port 22222

then you can run test

sudo ./

If server and test is ok, time to restart the Domoticz:

sudo service restart

Now go to **Setup** -> **Hardware** in your Domoticz interface and add type with name **Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum**.

| Field | Information|
| ----- | ---------- |
| Data Timeout | Keep Disabled |
| MIIOServer host:port | by default |
| Update interval | In seconds, this determines with which interval the plugin polls the status of Vacuum. Suggested is no lower then 5 sec due timeout in python-mirobo lib, but you can try any.  |
| Fan Level Type | ```Standard``` - standard set of buttons (values supported by MiHome); ```Slider``` - allow to set custom values, up to 100 (in standard Max=90) (values not supported by MiHome) |
| Debug | When set to true the plugin shows additional information in the Domoticz log |

After clicking on the Add button the new devices are available in **Setup** -> **Devices**.

If you want to change ```Fan Level Type``` just disable hardware, update type and enable again. Old device can be deleted manually in Devices menu.

## How to update plugin

cd domoticz/plugins/xiaomi-mirobot git pull

Restart the Domoticz service

sudo service restart

## Screenshots





### How to obtain device Token

Check the [instruction](