mrlegowatch / GarageStorageSwift

A Swift implementation of GarageStorage. Provides a convenient way to store any kind of data in a repository backed by Core Data.
MIT License
8 stars 1 forks source link
codable coredata storage-manager swift xcode



GarageStorage is designed to do two things:

What is a Garage?

The Garage is the main object that coordinates activity in Garage Storage. It's called a Garage because you can park pretty much anything in it, like, you know, a garage. The Garage handles the backing Core Data stack, as well as the saving and retrieving of data. You park objects in the Garage, and retrieve them later.

Any object going into or coming out of the Garage must conform to the Codable protocol. You can add whatever type of object you like to the Garage, whenever you like. You don't have to migrate data models or anything, just park whatever you want!


Swift Package Manager (Xcode 11 and above)

  1. Select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency… from the File menu.
  2. Paste in the dialog box.
  3. Follow the Xcode's instruction to complete the installation.

Getting Started

"Actually, it'll be super-easy, barely an inconvenience!" - Screenwriter Guy, Pitch Meetings

To get started, see: Getting Started.


This library is a direct descendent of the Objective-C version of GarageStorage by Sam Voigt, and this library's Objective-C APIs are mostly compatible with that version.