mrousavy / NitroBenchmarks

Benchmarks TurboModules vs ExpoModules vs NitroModules
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Nitro Benchmarks

A react-native (or actually; Expo) app that compares react-native's Turbo Modules vs expo's Expo Modules vs @mrousavy's Nitro Modules.


This app specifically benchmarks the time it takes to call a synchronous function and return a result back to JS.

There are two synchronous functions per module:

For each module, I chose the recommended language for iOS - so the TurboModule is implemented in Objective-C, and both the Expo Module and Nitro Module are implemented in Swift.

The functions are run 100.000 times after a short timeout to make sure the JS VM isn't busy with any other scheduled microtasks, and the total execution time is measured with

About Nitro

Nitro is an upcoming library/toolkit I have been working on because I hit a lot of limitations with my libraries (react-native-vision-camera, react-native-mmkv, react-native-filament, and so on). I will use Nitro in my libraries to allow me to make them much faster than they already are, and to benefit from some fundamental differences such as it's instance-based approach. The Frame in VisionCamera, or MMKV in MMKV, or anything in Filament are all a C++ objects - I needed a better way of exposing those to JS, so I built Nitro.

I will make Nitro publicly available for everyone to build native C++, Swift or Kotlin modules with! 🔥


iPhone 15 Pro (Release)

On my iPhone 15 Pro I got these numbers in a release build:

ExpoModules TurboModules NitroModules
100.000x addNumbers(...) 434.85 115.86ms 7.27ms
100.000x addStrings(...) 429.53ms 179.02ms 29.94ms

Mac Studio (Apple M1 Max)

On my Mac Studio (Apple M1 Max, 32GB RAM), I got these numbers in a release build ("designed for iPad"):

ExpoModules TurboModules NitroModules
100.000x addNumbers(...) 764.31ms 195.12ms 42.32ms
100.000x addStrings(...) 773.00ms 308.65ms 138.43ms


Note that these are just very specific benchmarks. They profile JS <-> Native function execution time (call, argument parsing, and result argument conversion). In an actual real world app, performance may vary.


Note: I put these benchmarks together in ~1 hour. My focus is on making Nitro Modules as fast as possible, but also as powerful as possible, so this is where my time is dedicated at. If I made any mistakes in the benchmark, please let me know so I can update it asap!

I don't intend to put Turbo or Expo modules in bad light here, they are insanely cool tools to build native modules.