mrsauravsahu / kube-homelab

A Kubernetes based homelab for everyone! ARM first supported! [WIP - expect breaking changes]
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arm arm64 helm homelab homeserver k3s k8s kubernetes mongodb nextcloud owncloud rabbitmq raspberry-pi


A Kubernetes based setup to run a home server.

getting started

I had also created a video where I show how I set the homelab up for my use.



software to run the terraform molecules

order of molecules

  1. k3s
  2. cluster-resources

running the molecules

Only if you are using a remote backend

If you use local backend

Read any specific requirements per molecule in their readme.

test bed

I'm using my Raspberry Pi 4 as my home server and all testing is done on it.



Jellyfin is a media server. Play all your local video content.

pihole (looking at other alternatives too)

Local DNS


File Sharing

setting up your machine

You can either use k3d to try out locally, or like I am, using a server. I have k3s installed on my Raspberry Pi 4.

k3s setup

Run the following to setup the cluster.

$ curl -sfL | INSTALL_K3S_VERSION='v1.21.14+k3s1' sh -

Now you can run terraform -chdir=iac plan to check what's getting installed.

Finally, run terraform -chdir=iac apply --auto-approve to install everything.