mrwonko / TheseusJA

How much of Jedi Academy can I replace before it stops being Jedi Academy? Let's find out!
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Document Core Values & Goals #43

Open mrwonko opened 2 years ago

mrwonko commented 2 years ago

To better communicate what this project is trying to achieve, I should describe it in terms of guiding values and what I want to achieve with it. Some things that come to mind:

mrwonko commented 2 years ago

Also: why am I doing this? To see what I can do, free of time constraints. To follow my perfectionism. To reshape things. Quality. Being relatable.

mrwonko commented 1 year ago

I might call these core values "tenets"...

mrwonko commented 1 year ago

I could also cite some influences to communicate some of the feeling I'm going for:

mrwonko commented 1 year ago

Try boiling it down to one sentence.

TheseusJA is about sharing and cooperating with other people and fostering communities.

mrwonko commented 1 year ago

Gardening instead of farming.