mrzachnugent / react-native-reusables

Universal shadcn/ui for React Native: Copy, paste, and tailor components to suit your specific requirements.
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[ BUG ] Alert crashing on web but working on native #140

Closed Jonatthu closed 1 month ago

Jonatthu commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug


To Reproduce Just follow the guide to use alert

mrzachnugent commented 1 month ago

Hi @Jonatthu, could you provide a minimal reproduction repo? This works on the demo app:

There are some known issues with NativeWind when it comes to running a mobile and web platform at the same time. If this is not why you are encountering your issue, I will need minimal reproduction repo to help.

mrzachnugent commented 1 month ago

@Jonatthu Closing due to inactivity.

If this issue persists, please create a new issue with provide a minimal reproduction repo as I am unable to reproduce it.