mrzachnugent / react-native-reusables

Universal shadcn/ui for React Native: Copy, paste, and tailor components to suit your specific requirements.
MIT License
2.17k stars 86 forks source link
expo radix-ui react-native react-native-web shadcn-ui

Work in progress...

React Native Reusables


Universal shadcn/ui for React Native

Crafted with NativeWind v4 and accessibility in mind, react-native-reusables is open source, offering a foundation for developing your own high-quality component library.

📖 Read the docs:

🌐 Try the web showcase:

How to use

For your own project:

  1. Start with a template or manually setup configuration: Check out the docs

  2. Browse the docs and use the CLI to add the components to your project

For this repository:

  1. Fork this repo, then clone your fork on your machine.

  2. Change directory into the cloned repo: cd react-native-reusables

  3. Install the dependencies (IMPORTANT: Must use pnpm): pnpm i

  4. From the root directory, start up desired app with the following commands:



<img src="" alt="starter-base-template" style="width:270px;" />

Follow instructions or check out the code



RNR components are built on top of universal (iOS, Android, and Web) style agnostic (can be used with any styling system) react-native primitives which use radix-ui/primitives for the web.


See screenshots

The first draft of components with little to no focus on the web. The code remains for those who may still want to use it.

Community Templates

If you'd like to share a template you've made with react-native-reusables, feel free to open a PR. The format should replicate the other community template items

[Name of template]( by [yourGithubHandle]( _A short description_