mrzhenya / plex-plugins

A plugin for the Plex Media Server that helps to tag Movie and TV (Show) media assets using information provided via local .info files.
Apache License 2.0
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plex-agent plex-media-server

Plex Local Metadata Files plugin/agent

A plugin for the Plex Media Server that helps to tag Movie and TV (Show) media assets using information provided via local .info files. Plex has a decent support for local media files, and you can get by without using this plugin; however, Local Metadata Files agent adds a few extras such as parsing media title and summary from a local text file, support for the full date (not just year), and support for additional tags such as rating, content rating, directors, and more.

Organizing your family or personal media files in Plex is a great use case for this agent.


A recent version of plugin could be found in the release folder or could be assembled by running the dist ant target in the project's development folder.

  1. First, copy the plugin bundle PlexLocalMetadata.bundle into the Plex Media Server plug-ins directory:

    • on Windows, it's %LOCALAPPDATA%/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins (e.g. C:\Users\julie\AppData\Local\Plex Media Server\Plug-ins)
    • on Mac, it's /Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins
  2. Restart or start the Plex Media Server.

  3. Configure agents priority for Personal Media Shows in Shows and Personal Media in Movies:

    • Local Media Assets should be first (the very top one);
    • Local Metadata Info Files (our plugin) should be next (the second from the top);
    • and make sure the plugins are enabled (the plugin checkbox is checked);
    • see below for an example.


  1. Configure a new library in the Plex Media Server:
    • for TV Shows choose Personal Media Shows as the Agent and the Plex Series Scanner as the Scanner;
    • for Movies choose Personal Media as the Agent and the Plex Movies Scanner as the Scanner;
    • other settings should be set to defaults;
    • these settings could be found on the Advanced tab of the Add/Edit dialog (see below).


Media file organization and naming

If you have a considerable number of personal media files, it is best to organize them as Plex Personal TV Shows. You will be able to group media files into Shows, which in turn, will support multiple seasons. Examples are provided below.

Personal TV Shows

Though Plex local media default support for Shows will recognize multiple episodes placed in the same directory, this agent requires all single episode media assets to be nested in its own single directory. More about Plex naming conventions could be found here - Naming and Organizing Your TV Show Files.

In the example below, My Home Shows is the root of our Plex TV Shows library, where Family Legacy videos will appear as a single Show, and its videos are grouped into, years which will appear as seasons. Note, that Plex will render a proper year number as the season number (2001 in our case). Most importantly, all files that correspond to a single video (episode) are nested in a dedicated folder, named the same way as the episode video file without the extension.

  /My Home Shows
    /Family Legacy
        /Family-2001 - s2001e01 - Easter Egg Hunt

          Family-2001 - s2001e01 - Easter Egg Hunt.jpg
          Family-2001 - s2001e01 - Easter Egg

Note, that it's possible to use multiple episode images by appending thumb, e.g. Family-2001 - s2001e01 - Easter Egg Hunt-thumb1.jpg. In Plex, they are sorted alphabetically, so -thumb1.jpg will take precedence over the default one in our example.

Support for parsing the video, image, and audio (theme) content comes from the default Local Media Assets agent; whereas our agent is responsible for parsing the .info files, which are assumed to be named and located as in the example above.

To learn more about the format of the .info files, read the Info Files section.

Personal Movies

Movie files can be placed in their own directories or all reside in a single folder. More about Plex naming conventions could be found here - Naming and organizing your Movie files.

Here is an example:

  /My Home Movies
    Home Movie (1999).info
    Home Movie (1999).jpg
    Home Movie (1999).mp4
    Home Movie (2021).info
    Home Movie (2021).jpg
    Home Movie (2021).mov

Info Files

Parsing files with .info extension is what this custom Plex Media Server agent was created for. It's important to name these files appropriately; otherwise, they will not be detected by the agent.

When creating your .info files, note that text for the text tags (e.g. summary ) could be placed on multiple lines, and empty or missing tags are ignored.

Personal TV Shows

There are two versions of .info file that are used for media Shows - and files which are placed respectively in show and episode directories.

Example of

Family Legacy
My custom show title that is
placed on multiple lines.
My Home Studio
Best of the best
My Shows

Example of

April 2000 - Easter Egg Hunt

Personal Movies

.info files for movies should have the same name as their corresponding movie video files. For example, for a movie Home Movie (2021).mp4, the info file should be named Home Movie (2021).info.

Here is an example of a movie info file:


Templates for the .info files could be found in the templates directory.


When looking for Plex Media Server logs, search for the com.plexapp.agents.localmetadata namespace.

When parsing local media assets, Plex default Local Media agent looks for the following patterns:

    ... (show|poster|folder)-?[0-9]? (ext: ['jpg', 'png', 'jpeg', 'tbn'])
    ... banner-?[0-9]? (ext: ['jpg', 'png', 'jpeg', 'tbn'])
    ... (fanart|art|background|backdrop)-?[0-9]? (ext: ['jpg', 'png', 'jpeg', 'tbn'])
    ... theme-?[0-9]? (ext: ['mp3'])