mrzv / dionysus

Library for computing persistent homology
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Saving output of filtration and reuploading to compute cohomology #56

Closed fbarfi closed 1 year ago

fbarfi commented 1 year ago

I have been able to save the outputs of filtration and diagrams into xarray.Dataset. This is very nice as it allows one to preserve all the data in the outputs in a transparent way. I now face the challenge of how to reconvert these saved data into forms that are recognizable to Dionysus 2. I want to save into the disk so that I do not have to recalculate everything every time (it takes many hours on a fast M1 max Mac). Any suggestions?

mrzv commented 1 year ago

I'm afraid I don't know what xarray.Dataset is, nor do I fully understand what you are trying to save. A code example would help.

Also, since this is not a bug report — at least not as far as I can tell — it probably belongs on the mailing list. Please send it there. Meanwhile I'll close this issue.