mrzv / dionysus

Library for computing persistent homology
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Dionysus 2

Dionysus is a computational topology package focused on persistent homology. It is written in C++, with Python bindings. The second version (previous version <>_) is re-written from scratch, which helps it accomplish a few goals:

Features that haven't (yet) made it over from Dionysus 1 <> include vineyards. Alpha shape filtrations are available via DioDe <>.




Get, Build, Install

The simplest way to install Dionysus, as a Python package, is from PyPI <>_:

.. parsed-literal::

pip install --verbose dionysus

Pass --upgrade to pip, if you have already installed some version of Dionysus.

Alternatively, you can install it directly from the development repository (this gives you the latest version):

.. parsed-literal::

pip install --verbose `git+ <>`_

Alternatively, you can clone and build everything by hand. To get Dionysus 2, either clone its repository <>_:

.. parsed-literal::

git clone `<>`_

or download it as a Zip archive <>_.

To build the project::

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

To use the Python bindings, either launch Python from .../build/bindings/python or add this directory to your PYTHONPATH variable, by adding::

export PYTHONPATH=.../build/bindings/python:$PYTHONPATH

to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc.


Documentation for Dionysus can be found here <>_.