ms-jpq / chadtree

File manager for Neovim. Better than NERDTree.
1.62k stars 60 forks source link
chad colours devicons file-explorer file-manager github-colours neovim neovim-plugin nerdtree nvim python tree


File Manager for Neovim, Better than NERDTree.

Features Illustrated

See full list of screen captures here

I like speed

You can read more about my performance optimization here.

I like power


I like 21st century


I like version control


I like colours



I like refinement

mime warn.png

schema error.png

I like documentation

Use :CHADhelp to view documentation

Use :CHADhelp --web to open documentation in your browser! (If you have one installed)


Minimum version: python: 3.8.2, nvim: 0.4.3, make sure to have virtualenv installed (e.g.: sudo apt install --yes -- python3-venv)

Install the usual way, ie. VimPlug, Vundle, etc

Plug 'ms-jpq/chadtree', {'branch': 'chad', 'do': 'python3 -m chadtree deps'}

You will have to run :CHADdeps when installing / updating. This will install CHADTree's dependencies locally inside chadtree/.vars/runtime.

doing rm -rf chadtree/ will cleanly remove everything CHADTree uses on your computer.


To toggle CHADTree run command :CHADopen. Set it to a hotkey for convenience.

nnoremap <leader>v <cmd>CHADopen<cr>

To see a list of hot keys:

Either use :CHADhelp keybind or open in browser using :CHADhelp keybind --web


Q: Sometimes Windows will get stuck with CHADTree decorations when I do not want them to be, how do I resolve this?

A: Run :CHADrestore


Add a hotkey to clear quickfix list:

nnoremap <leader>l <cmd>call setqflist([])<cr>

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Special Thanks

CHADTree does not define it's own colours beyond some minimal defaults, all themes are imported from other open source projects.

The base icons are imported from the vim-devicon

All emoji icons are imported from the vim-emoji-icon-theme

Some themes are imported from dircolors-solarized

Some themes are imported from nord-dircolors

Some themes are imported from LS_COLORS

Some themes are imported from vim-nerdtree-syntax-highlight