msaari / relevanssi-live-ajax-search

[WordPress Plugin] Enhance your search forms with live search
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search wordpress-plugin

=== Relevanssi Live Ajax Search === Contributors: msaari \ Tags: search, live, ajax \ Requires at least: 4.9 \ Tested up to: 6.1 \ Stable tag: 2.2 \ License: GPLv2 or later \ License URI:

Template powered live search for any WordPress theme. Compatible with Relevanssi search!


Relevanssi Live Ajax Search enables ajax live search for your search forms. It won't swamp you with settings, and generally, Relevanssi Live Ajax Search works without any modifications necessary. If you want to customize it, you have complete control over how it works and what it does.

Relevanssi Live Ajax Search displays the search results using templates. You can easily override the default templates from your theme to make the results look the way you want them to look.

Works best with Relevanssi

Relevanssi Live Ajax Search only provides you with live search results. To get really good results, use Relevanssi, Relevanssi Premium or Relevanssi Light. Relevanssi Live Ajax Search automatically uses Relevanssi to power the search results if Relevanssi is installed and active. However, you don't need Relevanssi; Relevanssi Live Ajax Search also works with the default WP search.

Changes from SearchWP Live Ajax Search

Relevanssi Live Ajax Search is a fork of SearchWP Live Ajax Search. I forked it from version 1.6.1 because it looked like SearchWP Live Ajax Search wasn't getting updates anymore. I also wanted to improve the Relevanssi compatibility.

Relevanssi Live Ajax Search drops all SearchWP compatibility. You can use SearchWP Live Ajax Search, which has built-in SearchWP support.

The widget has also been removed. It was unnecessary and outdated.

Relevanssi Live Ajax Search can now take over the Gutenberg core/search search form.

This plugin is on GitHub

Feel free to open up issues at


  1. Install the plugin from the WordPress plugin screen.
  2. Activate the plugin.
  3. That's it! Most of the time, that's all you need.

If Relevanssi Live Ajax Search does not automatically attach itself to your search form, you can enable it by adding a single HTML5 data attribute (data-rlvlive="true") to the input field of your search form. You can find more information in the plugin documentation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create a custom search results template

Relevanssi Live Ajax Search uses a template loader, making it easy to replace the search results. There is a templates folder in the plugin folder, which includes search-results.php. This file is the template used to output search results. To customize the search results:

  1. Create a folder called relevanssi-live-ajax-search in your theme directory.
  2. Copy the search-results.php file into the new folder.
  3. Relevanssi Live Ajax Search will now use that file to show the results.

If you want to override the default CSS styles, you can remove them this way:

add_filter( 'relevanssi_live_search_base_styles', '__return_false' );

This filter hook removes the base styles that control the live search result position.

wp_dequeue_style( 'relevanssi-live-search' );

This removes the actual search result styles.

I'm using Astra, Storefront, or Divi, and this plugin doesn't work

It does, Astra search form is just designed in a way that hides the search results. You can find solutions in the plugin documentation. The easiest solution is adding this to your theme functions.php:

add_filter( 'relevanssi_live_search_add_result_div', '__return_false' );

I want to change the number of results shown

There's a filter for that! Add this to your theme functions.php or in a code snippet:

add_filter( 'relevanssi_live_search_posts_per_page', function() { return 10; } );

This will show 10 results. You can adjust the number as you wish.

I'm using WPML and get no results!

For some reason, the combination of Relevanssi Live Ajax Search, Relevanssi and WPML leads to problems. To solve this problem, use the WP_Query mode of fetching the results. To activate the mode, add this to your theme functions.php:

add_filter( 'relevanssi_live_search_mode', function() { return 'wp_query'; } );

This will make Relevanssi Live Ajax Search use a different method of fetching the results. This method is compatible with WPML. This method uses the search-results-query.php template instead of the default search-results.php template in Relevanssi Live Ajax Search, so take note if you want to customize the template to use the right base template for your customization.











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