msadowski / x2_cartographer

Using YDLIDAR X2 with Google Cartographer ROS package
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Depreciation notice

This code won't be maintained, and likely will not work anymore. I'm leaving this on GitHub in case anyone still finds value in it.

YDLIDAR X2 - Cartographer project

This project was used to create a demonstrator of using YDLIDAR X2 with Google Cartographer as described in this blog post.

Quickstart (Melodic only)

  1. Clone the repo as your src directory git clone
  2. Initialize and update submodules git submodule update --init
  3. Perform the setup described in ydlidar/
  4. If you don't have cartographer installed run rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro melodic -r -y from your workspace
  5. Source your workspace source devel/setup.bash
  6. Start everything: roslaunch carto_mapper mapper.launch

The files in this repository are provided as is. No support is guaranteed but if you find ways to improve it feel free to open a pull request.