msarilar / EDEngineer

An overlay to track Elite Dangerous blueprints progress in real time
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Percentages seem wrong in the Material Trader #558

Open slemson opened 3 years ago

slemson commented 3 years ago

It's likely because I don't understand what these percentages are supposed to do but intuitively when I see in the Material Trader section for "9 Tellurium" something like "54 Ruthenium, you have 21 (257%)" I'm expecting 38% instead. 21 is ~38% of 54. It seems to me that you're doing the division backwards as 54/21 is 2.57. Isn't it more useful to see the percentage as how close I am to what I need rather than seeing the 257% move towards 0% as I get the number I need?

msarilar commented 3 years ago


percentages seem right to me - can you provide a screenshot of your usecase?

slemson commented 3 years ago

Well the fact that you're posting that screenshot and telling me it looks right to you tells me that I don't understand what those percentages mean then. Very possible since I'm a noob with EDEngineer. But the way I read it, the green bar says I need 1 Proto Radiolic Alloy. To get that I could trade 6 exquisite focus crystals and I have 9. The way I'd expect the percentage to be is 150% (9/6 = 1.50 = 150%) because I have more than I need. But the percentage says 67% which is the result if you flip the equation: (6/9 = .67 = 67%). I'm struggling to see how 67% is useful to me. Whereas when the equation is flipped, I can clearly see that I have 150% of what I need to make the trade. If you have less than you need, the percentages currently get bigger which puzzles me. For example, if I need 6 but have 3, the percentage would say "200%" (6/3 = 2 = 200%) but the way I'm seeing it, it should be 50% (3/6 = 0.5 = 50%) which says I need 6 but have 3 so I only have 50% of what I need. Again I'm probably misunderstanding the percentage and what it's supposed to indicate.

msarilar commented 3 years ago

I understand what you mean, it's essentially the same idea.

You need 6 biotech conductors if you want to trade them for 1 proto radiolic alloy. You have 50 of them, so the amount needed to trade only represents 12% of your stock which seems not so much after all.

The suggested trades are ordered from less impactful to more impactful on your stock: trading the bottom one would consume 67% of your entire stock of exquisite focus crystals.