EDEngineer is a basic app I've written to track materials, data and cargo acquired in Elite Dangerous. That way, we can also track progress of blueprints available from the Engineers. Installer here.
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Install the setup.exe which will download the published application on github (it will check for update each time the application is started). Launch the game in windowed mode, launch EDEngineer. Change the shortcut if ctrl+F10 does not suit you (right click the tasktray icon to do so).
Shopping List:
Resized window to not show blueprint (more compact) with thresholds:
Example notification:
Command in tasktray icon context menu:
Threshold Configuration:
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Cette traduction est incomplète! Si vous la sélectionnez, seules des parties de l'application seront traduites.Tout ce qui n'a pas encore été traduit sera affiché en anglais.
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