mschlund / FPsolve

FPsolve: solver for polynomial equations over omega-continuous semirings
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
11 stars 5 forks source link

FPsolve -- Overview

FPsolve is a proof-of-concept implementation of a fixed-point solver based on Newton's method generalized to omega-continuous semirings. For some introduction about this idea, have a look at this paper.


Basic requirements

Currently to build FPsolve you will need a C++ compiler with C++0x/C++11 support (tested on GCC 4.6 and 4.7 as well as Clang 3.2), as well as Boost libraries. For tests we additionally depend on Cppunit.

Installing with Clang and libc++

Installing with Clang should work fine as long as you're using the libstdc++ from GCC. Installing with libc++ exposes a bug in Boost (#7391) that makes the compilation fail. The current workaround is to slightly change Boost (as suggested in the ticket).

Also remember that to build with libc++ you need both Boost and Cppunit compiled with libc++ too. To make it easier to use different installations of Boost and Cppunit, you can specify the BOOST_ROOT and CPPUNIT_ROOT environment variables, before running cmake, to point to the directories containing the libraries.


see Readme.INSTALL for more details!

1) Run cmake . in newton/c

2) Run make in newton/c


The source code is distributed under the BSD license, see . The library libfa used here has its own licensing, see newton/c/fa.h for that.