mscroggs / fenics2021
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FEniCS 2021

This repo contains code to build the website for the FEniCS 2021 conference.

Building locally

To build, clone this repository and run:

python3 builder/

By default, this will build the website in a folder called _html in the root folder of the repo. You can optionally set the location of the build by running:

python3 builder/ /path/to/html/folder

Building the proceedings pdf

The proceedings pdf can be build by running:

python3 builder/

Updating the website

When changes are pushed to the main branch, the website will automatically be built and updated.


The code to generate the FEniCS 2021 (contained in the folders builder/, template/, and test/, as well as the file files/sty.css) is released under an MIT license. Copyright of other files is held by the presenters of the talks that the files are relevant to.