The main configuration file for the phone. The actual name of the file is based on the MAC address of the phone, eg: SEP58971ECC97C1.cnf.xml (SEP\<MAC>.cnf.xml).
I used configuration the same as in following sites:
And get parameters explanations from this pages:
But I need configure some custom settings. For example:
'Light' is the bright red lamp on the headset.
'Prompt' will show up a flashing voicemail envelope next to the Line on the RHS side of the display when there is voicemail.
<line button="2">
<autoAnswerMode>Auto Answer with Speakerphone</autoAnswerMode>
You can use another number for each line. And can use it for speed dial.
settingsAccess - enables and disables the Settings button on an IP phone. Useful to lock the phone config down.
0 = Disabled.
1 = Enabled (default). The phone user can modify features by using the Settings menu.
2 = Restricted. The phone user is allowed to access User Preferences and volume settings only.
transportLayerProtocol - what protocol the phone will use to connect to Asterisk (UDP, TCP). Only use 4 (TCP), as the phone causes SIP retransmit errors when using UDP.
1 = Use device default
2 = UDP
4 = TCP
dndCallAlert - how the phone displays an incoming call when DND is enabled and dndbusy is set to no in sip.conf.
0 = Disable
1 = Beep Only
5 = Flash Only
dndReminderTimer - how often in minutes to play a beep tone through the speaker when DND is enabled.
<line button="2">