msft-vivi / RelationExtract-Pytorch

Relation Extraction 论文复现
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Relation Extraction

Pytorch Implementation of Deep Learning Approach for Relation Extraction Challenge(SemEval-2010 Task #8: Multi-Way Classification of Semantic Relations Between Pairs of Nominals)



  1. BiLSTM + Attention + PF
  2. BiLSTM + RNN + PF
  3. CNN + PF

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BiLSTM Attention







This repo was tested on Python 3.6 + and PyTorch 1.0.0. The requirements are:

Data: SemEval-2010 Task #8

The Inventory of Semantic Relations

  1. Cause-Effect: An event or object leads to an effect(those cancers were caused by radiation exposures)
  2. Instrument-Agency: An agent uses an instrument(phone operator)
  3. Product-Producer: A producer causes a product to exist (a factory manufactures suits)
  4. Content-Container: An object is physically stored in a delineated area of space (a bottle full of honey was weighed) Hendrickx, Kim, Kozareva, Nakov, O S´ eaghdha, Pad ´ o,´ Pennacchiotti, Romano, Szpakowicz Task Overview Data Creation Competition Results and Discussion The Inventory of Semantic Relations (III)
  5. Entity-Origin: An entity is coming or is derived from an origin, e.g., position or material (letters from foreign countries)
  6. Entity-Destination: An entity is moving towards a destination (the boy went to bed)
  7. Component-Whole: An object is a component of a larger whole (my apartment has a large kitchen)
  8. Member-Collection: A member forms a nonfunctional part of a collection (there are many trees in the forest)
  9. Message-Topic: An act of communication, written or spoken, is about a topic (the lecture was about semantics)
  10. Other: If none of the above nine relations appears to be suitable.

Distribution for Dataset

Relation Train Data Test Data Total Data
Cause-Effect 1,003 (12.54%) 328 (12.07%) 1331 (12.42%)
Instrument-Agency 504 (6.30%) 156 (5.74%) 660 (6.16%)
Product-Producer 717 (8.96%) 231 (8.50%) 948 (8.85%)
Content-Container 540 (6.75%) 192 (7.07%) 732 (6.83%)
Entity-Origin 716 (8.95%) 258 (9.50%) 974 (9.09%)
Entity-Destination 845 (10.56%) 292 (10.75%) 1137 (10.61%)
Component-Whole 941 (11.76%) 312 (11.48%) 1253 (11.69%)
Member-Collection 690 (8.63%) 233 (8.58%) 923 (8.61%)
Message-Topic 634 (7.92%) 261 (9.61%) 895 (8.35%)
Other 1,410 (17.63%) 454 (16.71%) 1864 (17.39%)
Total 8,000 (100.00%) 2,717 (100.00%) 10,717 (100.00%)


  1. Build vocabularies and parameters for your dataset by running

    python --data_dir data/SemEval2010_task8

    It will write vocabulary files words.txt and labels.txt containing the words and labels in the dataset. It will also save a dataset_params.json with some extra information.

  2. Your experiment We created a base_model directory for you under the experiments directory. It contains a file params.json which sets the hyperparameters for the experiment. It looks like

       "learning_rate": 1e-3,
       "batch_size": 50,
       "num_epochs": 100

    For every new experiment, you will need to create a new directory under experiments with a params.json file.

  3. Train your experiment. Simply run

    python --data_dir data/SemEval2010_task8 --model_dir experiments/base_mode

    It will instantiate a model and train it on the training set following the hyperparameters specified in params.json. It will also evaluate some metrics on the development set.

  4. Evaluation on the test set Once you've run many experiments and selected your best model and hyperparameters based on the performance on the development set, you can finally evaluate the performance of your model on the test set. Run

    python --data_dir data/SemEval2010_task8 --model_dir experiments/base_model


BiLSTM + Attention

Precision Recall F1
79.13 82.29 80.68

BiLSTM + MaxPooling

Precision Recall F1
79.99 78.73 78.93


Precision Recall F1
80.11 84.54 82.27
