mskcc / pluto-cwl

CWL workflows for helix filter scripts
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Post-processing & Lightweight Updates To pipeline Output

CWL files and workflows to accompany the helix_filters_01 repo. Supported by infrastructure in the pluto submodule.

Installation & Setup

Clone this repo with

git clone --recursive
cd pluto-cwl

Install dependencies for the repo with the command:

make install 

This will checkout the included git submodules and install a local conda with extra dependencies.

Use this command to activate the installed environment for running workflows:

. toil

This will:

Run a CWL

The primary entry point for the workflow is cwl/workflow_with_facets.cwl.

You can run a CWL included in this repo by using the wrapper scripts bundled in the pluto submodule;

Test Suite

Development and testing takes place via the test suite.

The included test suite can be run with:

make test

It typically takes about 45 minutes to run all included tests

Some very large integration tests are skipped by default. To include all tests, export the environment variable LARGE_TESTS=True or include it in the command line invocation. You can also change the CWL engine from cwltool to toil, among other settings, the same way. For example;


Available environment variable settings are derived from the pluto.settings submodule.

Parallel Test Suite

An extra recipe is included which can run the tests in parallel, for example to run 8 tests at once you can use this command:

make parallel-test

Single Test

For development purposes, it is helpful to be able to run only a specific test case, or subset of tests.

You can run just the script with the tests you are interested in, such as;

python tests/

You can further select which test case(s) from the script you wish to run by adding their labels as args;

python tests/ TestClassName

python tests/ TestClassName.test_function

This can be combined with the environment variables described above (such as LARGE_TESTS, PRINT_COMMAND, KEEP_TMP, etc.).